Part 12: The Hunt.

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Sometime later, the team found a new secluded location which was a rest stop by the docks of Happy Harbor and the place where they moved Dr. Roquette. Kid Flash and Artemis were inside watching over the scientist who was at the center of the room typing away on a computer. As she continued working on the virus, Kid Flash and Artemis were shooting each other daggers, clearly not keen on having to work together.

"Stop it, both of you." Aqualad told the two telepathically.

"What?" Both Kid Flash and Artemis questioned simultaneously.

"I can hear you two glaring." The Atlantean remarked. Aqualad was outside the building across the street, hiding between some trees and bushes. After maneuvering around a bit to gain a clear sight of the building, he crouched down beside a tree and turned behind him before in a rather loud voice said. "Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep with Spider-Man." Afterward, he waited for any sign of movement.

Unbeknownst to Aqualad, someone from the trees behind him was watching the entire time hanging upside down. The dark figure shot red webbing at the unsuspecting Atlantean before pulling the surprised teen into the trees with them. Aqualad tried fighting off his attacker in the leaves but was launched out of the tree before flying into the side of a random van on the street. The teen groaned from down on the pavement as he looked up to see his attacker leap from the tree and flip through the air before landing in front of him.

"(Y/N)?" Aqualad uttered with confusion. This person's movement and gadgets were almost identical to his spider-themed teammate. If it weren't for the different suit this one wore, he would've assumed he was being attacked by his own ally.

"(Y/N)." The person repeated. "Who the hell is (Y/N)?"

Aqualad got to his knees and was about to reach for his weapons when he was suddenly attacked from behind and knocked out by a large man with a metal hook for a hand. As the two attackers looked over Aqualad's unconscious body, Cheshire emerged from the shadows covering the streets and grouped up with the two. "Spider-Boy and the Martian could return at any second and I'm not keen on evening their odds. We have to end Roquette now." She stated.

Back inside the building where the three were taking a load off. They jumped in surprise upon seeing the front door bust open, revealing their new unwelcome guest. Kid Flash immediately jumped into action and ran at the intruder, throwing a leg sweep. The Shadow avoided the attack and jumped on the ceiling before firing red webbing at the speedster.

Kid Flash rolled to the side, dodging the projectiles. "Spider-Man, is that you?" He questioned, realizing this guy was awfully similar to his teammate. The speedster threw a garbage can at the other spider-themed person on the ceiling.

The Shadow avoided the attack and dropped to the ground. "You all must be getting me mixed up with someone. Name's Black Spider." He corrected. "And I'm here to kill that doctor of yours. So, if you wouldn't mind handing her over, we'll be on our way."

"Fat chance." Kid Flash shook his head, declining the offer and getting into a fighting position.

"Then you can join her." Black Spider retorted, before rushing forward and attacking the speedster. As the two fought, Artemis nocked back an arrow prepared to help her teammate when the sound of shattering glass came from behind her. She turned in surprise to see a large man with white hair who had a massive hook for a hand.

Artemis quickly let off a few arrows at the other intruder who dove between multiple rows of pew chairs avoiding them. The archer turned to Dr. Roquette who was next to her and said, "Don't stop working."

The frightened woman nodded and turned back to the computer and got back to typing. Unbeknownst to them though, Cheshire was peeking through the skylight above them and had a clear sight of the scientist. The Shadow raised her crossbow and aimed it straight at the woman's head. Just as she fired a shot, pew seats telekinetically flew between the two, blocking the arrow.

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