Part 6: A Learning Opportunity.

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It had already been several days since (Y/N) first joined the team. Since then not much has happened. For the most part, he had just been taking the time to get to know the rest of his team a bit better. As he socialized with them, he began getting a good perception of each member.

Wally was like that one annoying best friend that you can't help but enjoy being around, Kaldur was like a wise older brother you can always approach for guidance or something, Robin was like a snarky younger brother who was too smart for his own good, M'gann was like the pretty girl next door who was incredibly nice to him, and then there was Superboy...

Yeah, he still didn't know what to think of that guy, it was hard to get a read on someone like him.

Anyways, during his time with the Young Justice, he'd been given several missions already which either entailed saving civilians or taking down small crimes. All of which had been nothing but easy. Currently, he was occupied with one as both (Y/N) and Superboy were called to stabilize a bridge in Metropolis to save the civilians that were trapped on it.

A suited-up (Y/N) swung through the streets of Metropolis with haste as Superboy used his super jumps to keep up the pace with his teammate. This was the very first mission with both the two working together so it was definitely gonna be interesting.

"We're nearing the bridge!" (Y/N) shouted as the wind blew in his face.

Eventually, the two made it to the Metropolis bridge and could see that it was beginning to crumble. Many vehicles were close to falling off the edge so the two had to make sure to be quick about their jobs. (Y/N) pointed to the end of the bridge closest to them, "I'll cover this end, you got the other one?"

Superboy gave a little grunt as his answer before shooting off into the air with a super jump, leaving (Y/N) to himself. "Ugh, it's like talking to a brick wall." The teen groaned before swinging over to the first group of people in need of help. He began pulling back vehicles that were hanging dangerously close to the edge with impressive strength and he repeated this several times. Just as he pulled back one of the last ones, he heard the sound of a woman's scream making him spin around to see a woman by the side of a red sedan that had begun tipping over the edge of the bridge.

"Someone help!" The woman shrilled frantically. "My son's still in there!"

(Y/N) couldn't even react as in the next moment the car had already flipped over the edge.

"No!" He shouted, watching as it went right over. He quickly web-zipped over and flipped through the air before shooting off a line that managed to, fortunately, attach to the rear end of the falling car which stopped its descent.

Even though he managed to stop the car from falling into the water below. He was now dangling over the bridge with a web line as he held onto another that was attached to the car. There wasn't really anything else he could do, he would need the kid to start climbing out of the car to be able to fish him out. He saw the young boy inside who had a scared look on his face.

"Hey, kid!" (Y/N) shouted through his teeth, trying his best to hold on. "Ima need you to start climbing, okay buddy?"

The kid was frozen in fear and didn't say anything.

(Y/N) had to do something. "What's your name!?" He asked, trying to get the boy's attention.

This time the boy managed to answer back, "S-Sam!" He yelled

"I believe in you, Sam! You can do this!" (Y/N) called out. "Your mom needs you up there!"

The kid seemed to somewhat break out of his daze and even though he was still scared, a look of determination had now formed on his face. Slowly but surely, the young boy began making his way to the broken rear window of the car that was facing upwards. Spider-Man began smiling behind his mask, "Atta boy!"

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