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| 11th November |

THE DAY ORIGINALLY started off splendidly. There I was lying peacefully on my bed as the open window allowed fresh air to blow in. All was right. That is, until a sound interrupted my calming time. The scratching and hooting of an owl got my attention and moving over to it my eyes were drawn to the Ministry of Magic sign. Opening the letter attached to its leg, I absentmindedly gave the owl money whilst tearing off the wax seal on the letter.

Dear Ms Alexandra Lestrange-Tonks,

By order of the Ministry of Magic, you are to attend a gathering of vital importance at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tomorrow. Be there by 4 o'clock sharp.

Signed Cordially,

Minister Millicent Bagnold

My door opened just as I finished reading the letter, giving me no time to think over it. 

"Did you get a letter too?"

Looking over my shoulder, I found my best friend since my 1st year at Hogwarts; Elizabeth Tonks. Elizabeth was an introverted girl with dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, roughly the same height as me. Whilst she was a 'we can do this!' person, I was more a 'if we do this, we die' person. And although we had contrasting beliefs sometimes, it never got in the way of our friendship. She was a true friend - I mean, fuck, she invited me to live permanently at her house!

"Yeah El... I wonder what it's about." I told her, gazing at the yellowed paper in my hands, confused. 

Must be something big for the Ministry of Magic to order it.

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow. By the way, dinners ready now." El said, shaking her head and attempting a bright smile.

Laughing fondly at her optimistic attitude towards food we made our way downstairs.

I wouldn't change my life for anything - I was surrounded by people I loved and did what I wanted. I had a choice, and that meant everything to me.

| 12th November |

I never thought I'd be sitting back in a classroom at Hogwarts. Certainly not completing a personality test as well. 

Why do I even have to do this?

At least I wasn't alone though, other witches and wizards of various ages were also seated with what I assumed to be the same pieces of paper in front of them. Anyway, here I am sitting at a desk filling out a 200-question personality test filled with simple yet unusual questions. For example:

37. What do you do when drunk?

How would I know - I'm drunk!

So I responded with, 'how would I know? I'm drunk apparently."

102. What is your favourite colour?

That was the easiest!

I'm a Slytherin, what do you think?!

185. What would you do if you found out your pregnant with a werewolf?

That one was definitely unusual...

I just wrote the first thing that came to mind, 'stop drinking fire whiskey'. 

After way too long, I finished the long and physically draining test. Leaning back on my chair I saw El tapping her chin with the end of her quill. My lips quirked up as I remembered how she always did that during school - and got ink on her skin every single time. Catching her attention, I mouthed 'you done?'. I received a nod in response, just as a Ministry worker began talking to us. 

"Thank you for answering the questions. Please make your way to the Great Hall for further information."

"Glad that's done?"

"Yes, thank god!" El replied letting out a relieved sigh. Walking through the corridors to the Great Hall, memorises flashed through my mind.  Shaking my head, I erased all thoughts of that time, and focused on walking. At least we reach the Hall, where were were all crowded in. 

"The Ministry," a woman began, standing in front of the school podium, "has created a new law, known as the 'Marriage Law' and filling out those tests has just decided who your match will be-" She didn't get any further as an uproar arose around me. 

"Please!" She rose her voice, "The Wizarding community has declined greatly, hence the creation of this law. Ages vary from 18 to 40, and you are not permitted to divorce. This law does not affect those already married."

I don't even know why she continues to talk. No one is listening. And the Ministry can't expect us to just marry a stranger!

"Here are the results. Please remain where you are until the list is finished. The woman's name will be announced first." For once, the crowd quietened. I was on edge, my foot tapping nervously. Names began to be called out, starting at the letter 'A'. I swear, by the time 'T' came up, bile was rising in my throat. 

"Alexandra Tonks and..."

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