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| 14th November |

IT WAS HUMILIATING. There we all were eating dinner, when the next moment I'm overcome with red. 

Why did he say that? I swear I don't know why Lily married him! And even bore his child! He has such a loose tongue!

Thankfully, I'd finished eating, and more than eagerly brought my plate to the kitchen, and left. My face fell into my hands as a sat on the edge of Sirius's bed. 

Nothings mine. Not even this fucking bed. 

"He didn't mean it you know." 

I looked up, but was surprised to not see a certain Black. Instead, stood Remus Lupin. The man my best friend would marry, and the man who's best friend would marry me. 

Talk about messed up.

"I know." I signed. "But having him just mention the proposal... It was embarrassing."

"Having to marry Sirius always is." He smirked. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Do you... do you think he'd cheat? I mean, he was a player at school, It seemed every day he had a new girl hanging off his arm. And then, she was gone, and another one replaced her. He didn't even seem to care as they cried themselves to sleep, or wailed in the bathrooms."

"Why don't you ask the man himself."


My eyes flew open, the room lacking a honey-haired man.

"Would you have asked that to my face?" Sirius asked, looking more than hurt. All I saw was disappointment, and even anger. I could have sworn his eyes were glistening. 

"I... I'm not sure."

"I wouldn't." He breathed after a while. 


"I wouldn't cheat." He sighed, leaning back against the wall across from me. "I won't deny I slept around in school, definitely more than anyone should know about. Having family issues is no excuse for my past actions, I can admit that, but... I think it was part of the reason. It all got so much I wanted to feel needed, but then they got to close. And I didn't want to be hurt again. So I hurt them, before they had the chance to hurt me. I know now that it was wrong, but at the time, I didn't know any better. No one ever taught me how to treat women respectfully. I had to learn that lesson myself."

He seemed so disappointed in himself, tears flowing down his tanned skin. I couldn't help it. Getting up, I walked over to him, softly wrapping my arms around his middle. I felt him tense, but after a while, he seemed to relax.

I can't see him like that again. It hurts me just as much as it hurts him, knowing that I caused that.

It was at that moment, I promised myself I'd do anything to stop him from feeling hurt again. 

| 17th November |

The days seemed to fly by. Yet, they felt so slow at the same time. Sirius and I had spent more and more time together, so much to the point it felt odd when I wasn't with him. We'd gone to Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, and even though it was hard, I came to terms with the fact that no matter what, we would be married in less than a week. He did too. 

When we were out together, it became a common thing to have some sort of physical contact. It felt natural to have his arm strung around my shoulders or waist, even going as far as to hold hands. But the kisses... 

I quickly found out that he wasn't one to last without some sort of PDA. Kisses were pressed against my temple, forehead, or cheek - but never the lips. I can still remember the first time, a few days ago, when he kissed me. I was talking to El, Sirius and the other men were leaving the house, and he'd come up to me to say goodbye. Of course, his version of goodbye was to wrap his arms around my waist from behind, and kiss my cheek. I still get a fluttery feeling just thinking about it.

And don't even start on attention! He was like an overgrown puppy, wanting my attention all the time. Still, the relationship we shared wasn't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend, but neither was it friends. We'd found this common ground where we were comfortable with each other, yet didn't put a label on what we were, and the marriage law wasn't mentioned again. I knew it might come up sooner or later, but for now, we just went about like it didn't exist. Like we were just a boy and a girl. 

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