[ 𝟛 ] p o t t e r ' s

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| 12th November |

THE POTTERS' HOUSE was gorgeous. The red brickwork roof and slightly yellow sides created a homey feel, along with the two brick chimneys. Lily made a wonderfully pork roast for dinner, that lead us all into the night - long with a few dozen shots of alcohol and fire-whiskey. Harry was put to bed early, and now the six of us were a bit tipsy.

Maybe more than a bit...

"I think we had better go." I told Lily, finishing what I told myself was my final drink.

"You wouldn't make it out the door! Besides, it's much to dark outside, and we have plenty of extra rooms."

Suddenly, James seemed to perk up as he gathered the shots in his hands and carried them to the kitchen.

"Correction, Lily-flower; we have four. The first is occupied by us, the second Harry, and the last two by Sirius and Remus." He announced with a smirk, walking back to the table and standing behind his wife's chair.

"James?" Lily said warningly.

"What! I'm simply stating that they need to share rooms!"


As a child, you're taught not to speak to strangers, or get in their car.

How about their bed? Honestly, I don't want to sleep in the same bed as the guy I knew from school - the one who played every girl he saw like a puppet on a string.

"So," Remus begun slowly, like he was still wrapping his head around it, "what you're saying is that we have to share rooms tonight."

"And every night after that!" James answered, seeming to have no filter. Lily hit her husband on the chest, getting up and tugging him along up the stairs.

"Have a good night! And don't have too much fun!" James shouted from along the hallway.

Lily gave me a sympathetic glance, "Sorry about him - one too many shots it seems. The guys will show you to your rooms." She looked sternly at the two men, smiling at us and leaving as they nodded.

Well, this is awkward...

"Well," I started, clearing my throat quietly, "Suppose that's me too. I'll be heading upstairs to find the rooms! Night El, Remus. You coming Sirius?"

I didn't wait for a response, starting up the stairs. Luckily, I found what I assumed to be the spare rooms straight away, but before I could walk in, El rushed over to me.

"Al! Please - help me. I can't sleep with him! I've never slept with a guy before - and you know I'm socially awkward with strangers." She rambled while hyperventilating.

"El, it's fine. You'll be fine." I reassured her, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Lily mentioned him during school, and from what I remember, he was a really nice guy. He won't force himself on you or anything!" I joked a little at the end.

"Force himself on me!" She practically shouted. I cringed.

Probably not the right thing to say...

"He won't." Turning around I saw Sirius leaning casually against the wall. His hair was tossed back, as if he'd just ran his fingers through it.

Merlin! He's so- no. Don't think that way!

"I've known him since first year. He hasn't slept with anyone, and I don't think he'd even know how to force himself on someone. Good night. Remus is coming up soon." He smirked and walked past us, giving me a wink, and going into room a few doors down the hallway.

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