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| 22nd November |

THE MUSIC STARTED playing. Dora walked out first, as the flower girl. She threw the flower petals up, more often than not causing them to land on the guests. It brought a smile to my face. Then Lily and El, as my bridesmaids, walked out next.

Now it's my turn...

Walking up the aisle, I felt everything hit me. My heart thumped heavily in my chest. Rabastan's arm seemed like nothing. Then my eyes met Sirius's. The distance between him and I kept lessoning. My lips quirked up as I noticed his red tux.

His Gryffindor pride has no limits.

Remus and James stood beside him as his best men - dressed properly in black. Soon enough, I was in front of my fiancé. My brother kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm here for you if anything goes wrong." He whispered. I nodded.

My hand left Rabastan's arm, joining Sirius's instead. Stern once more, he turned to the groom.

"Hurt her, and they'll never find you body."

I couldn't stop my small smile, which widened at Sirius's words.

"I'll never hurt her - you have my word."

The priest's words, the entire ceremony, it seemed to fly by. It was just me and him. Before I knew it, it was time to say our vows.

"Wow." Sirius begun, "I never thought I'd be in this position. " The guests laughed.

"But, now I'd never want to be anywhere other than here. From the moment I saw you in the Great Hall, I felt my heart skip a beat – yes, I do know that it's literally impossible. You had this look on your face saying, 'one wrong move and you'll wake up one morning without a dick'. While we didn't exactly have a rocky start, it wasn't all sunflowers and daisies either. So, with this ring, I promise you you'll never find yourself without me. I promise to listen to your advice, even if I don't always take it. I promise to do the little things just to see you smile. I promise to take care of your heart and to love you always with mine. I promise to be your partner in crime, and to grow old with you. I promise to never forget this privilege of getting to marry you – no matter how many years go by. And I'd promise to give you my heart now, but the truth is, you've had it for a while. I love you; now, tomorrow, always."

Tears had fallen down my face by the time he'd finished. Brushing them away, I gave a smile.

"Well, maybe I should've gone first – you've already brought me to tears."

I took a deep breath, "When I was younger, the prospect of getting married was that it would be arranged by my family. I dreaded this day, and now, I want to relive this moment forever. In school you weren't exactly the humblest person alive, and that much hasn't changed. But now I realise the appearance of things isn't always right. Your cocky nature, familiar smirk; I can't imagine my life without them. To come to you and not find myself at home in your arms is an unfamiliar concept. So with this ring, I promise to look to you for protection. I promise to not only listen, but to hear. To not only be honest, but to trust. To not only love, but to be loved. Whatever we face, we'll face together, I will always be by your side. I love you so fucking much Sirius Black, and not a day will go by when I won't say those words – even if you prank me every day."

Everyone laughed as I finished. Sliding on each other's rings, the priest began to speak.

"I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the-"

He didn't get to finish. Sirius - my husband - pulled me in for a passionate kiss. One hand rested on my waist, the other on my cheek. My arms wrapped around his neck as he dipped me, not parting from my lips. I didn't want this to end.

All to soon, he pulled back. With wide smiles we hurried hand in hand down the aisle together. Husband and wife.

And for once, I was grateful the Ministry made this law.

The music was slow. My eyes were closed as Sirius and I swayed side to side on the dance floor, my head resting on his shoulder.

The dancing lessons we both had payed off I suppose.

"How are you feeling, love?"

"Wonderful." I mumbled, taking my head off his shoulder.

He smiled, looking me in the eyes before a hand cupped my cheek. Our lips connected in a slow and delicate kiss, like we had all the time in the world. My eyelids fluttered shut, reluctantly opening as he pulled away. I was addicted to the way he made me feel.

"Me too."

All too soon, the song ended. The time for the best man and maid of honour to speak was next. Standing in front of the guests, James stepped forward with a drink in hand.

"Hi all. To those who don't know me – which is highly unlikely – I'm James Potter, the groom's brother. Originally, I put myself forward to be the maid of honour, but sadly the bride refused, and I was stuck speaking about this guy; Sirius Black. I've known him since the first year at Hogwarts and never in my wildest dreams had I imagined he'd ever get married. A Slytherin and a Gryffindor – I don't think even Minnie expected this! Now, neither of us are major fans of the snake pit, but gotta say, this snake – Alexandra – she's a good one. I've never seen Sirius as happy and carefree as he is now in a long time, and it's been an absolute honour to watch it happen. May you have a happy marriage and name your first child after me! A toast to the bride and groom everyone!"

The guests raised their glasses to us. Looking up at Sirius, an unmoving beam was on his face.

I hid my lips with my glass, whispering frantically to my husband.

Merlin, that sounds weird!

"We aren't actually going to name our first child aft him... are we?!"

"Oh, hell no!" He whispered back, a beam still on his face as an arm wrapped around my waist. "But you better be the one who breaks the news to him."

I gulped at the thought, playfully slapping Sirius on the arm. His grip on my waist tightened as he laid a soft kiss on my cheek.

"You missed."

He laughed, kissing me again. This time, in the right place. At the clear of a throat, I turned to see El. At her hesitance, I gave a reassuring smile and nod.

"Um, hi. I'm Elizabeth Tonks – Alexandra's maid of honour. I've known this wonderful woman since first year and Hogwarts, and I am unbelievably thankful to be able to call her my best friend. Sirius: you have no idea what you're getting yourself into! Once you're in reach, Al will snag you and keep you forever – but she'll be that one certain in your life. Al, never let him go! I remember you telling me at Hogwarts one time, that the day you get married is the day we shave your future husband's hair all off – I don't believe either of us have the heart to do it. After all, this man's hair means the world to him, and now, so do you. So, wishing you all hope and love for the future, a toast! To the happy couple, Alexandra and Sirius Black!"

I instantly embraced El the moment she finished. Once she left to talk to other guests, Sirius brought me into his arms.

"I like the sound of that. Alexandra Black."

I laughed, "You better, cause it's never gonna change again."

"I'll make sure of it." He promised with a smile, dragging me back onto the dance floor as an ABBA song came on.

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