[ 𝟝 ] m o r e

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| 14th November |

AFTER OUR CONVERSATION, I went downstairs to the lounge. I collapsed on the couch next to Lily, who sat there with a small smile.

"All good?"

I hummed, taking the cup of coffee she handed me, "Better. We had a little conversation but, still..."

She sighed with an eyebrow raised, "Just ask me. The suspense is killing!"

I let out a shaky laugh, "The sex every two weeks is a lot to take in." I fidgeted, "And, I am still a virgin..."

"You know," Lily started, "men like Sirius; they'll take it slow. You won't feel forced into it, I promise you. He'll wait as long as you need. As for being a virgin - who cares? I can assure you, he won't be disappointed, or angry, or anything like that. Just mention it to him."

Silence came over us before she spoke again.

"About everything that happened during school... he's not who he appeared to be. Sure, he was the so-called ideal 'bad boy', but underneath, he's so much more. I've learnt that just by marrying his best friend. I honestly hope that you two can be friends, and the marriage may even be built on love eventually. You both have so much in common."

Before I knew it, Lily and I had spent the morning together. As I made by way upstairs, I bumped into the certain someone I needed to speak to.

"Sirius!" I said shocked.

"Sorry. Wasn't looking where I was going, I guess." He replied, an apologetic smile on his lips.

"All good. Um, by the way, Lily just invited me and El to stay here until I- we... we get a place." I mumbled quickly.

"It's up to you, I don't mind."

I looked up, surprised, "You don't? I wouldn't be intruding or anything."

"It's not my decision. And... the letter did mention us having to live together, so..."

"Oh. Right. I'll just go and ask El then I suppose..." Walking away, I bit my lip.

Of course. The law... There'd be no other reason for him to say yes. So why did I want him to...?

El and I apparated to the Tonks' house. It felt odd. This had been my home for so long, and now I had to pack it all up. The memories I made would stay with me forever, but it still hurt. Falling asleep with Ted on the couch. Cooking with Andy. Chasing after Nymphadora - or Tonks as she prefers to be called. It really hurt.

As I sorted through my room, packing what I wanted to keep in my trunk, I heard El enter.

"What did Sirius say about the rules?" She questioned, leaning lightly against the door.

"He promised he wouldn't force me to do anything. But, we both know we have to, neither of us wanted to do it publicly." I told her. "We agreed to be friends, so hopefully that makes having sex easier. But..."

"Everything that happened in school comes to mind?" She guessed.

She can always read my mind.

"He was a player. And I don't know if I can be in a good, healthy relationship with someone like that." I burst out. "Anyway," I took a deep breath, "how about you and Remus?"

"Um, I told him my ring size?" She shrugged. I couldn't help but laugh.

"In my defence," she continued, "he asked me!"

I hummed, nodding, then continued to pack.

Once we'd both finished, we dragged out bags downstairs and flooed to the Potter's. With a little help from Lily, we eventually managed to carry our trunks into our rooms.

This is my new home. At least for now.

I was not ready. And once the holidays ended, it was back to working for the Ministry; however reluctant I was. After school, I set my eyes on becoming part of the Ministry Magical Witch Watchers, a group of witches who searched for fugitives. Some part of me wanted escapee Death Eaters to pay for all they'd done.

Shaking my thoughts away, I found the unoccupied side of the closet, and begun unpacking. And making the room feel like home.

Before I knew it, everything was finally in it's place, when suddenly I was spun around, and into the arms of the man I was to marry. His hands rested lightly on my waist, moving only ro drape mine over his shoulders.

"W- what are you doing?" I questioned as we swayed.

"Dancing." Sirius responded, plainly.

My eyebrows furrowed, "Why?"

"Because it makes everything better. Plus, its a bit of fun." He smiled.

God. The smile could kill me.

"Are you sure with this?" I bit my lip, waiting for an answer, pointing between us.

"Only if you are. Are... are you?"

His grey eyes focused on me, making me resist the urge to shiver. All of a sudden, I noticed the small things. The tiny freckle below his eye. The scar on his chin. I swear, if my heart could skip a beat, it would not be beating right now.

A hand rested on my cheek, and a nervous yet fluttery feeling flooded my senses. His soft skin drew me in, and looking into his eyes, I found myself drowning. They abruptly flickered to by lips, before looking at me once more.

What was... did he... kiss...?

I hadn't time to think anything through. My body responded as he leaned down, and I met his lips halfway. I was not disappointed. Skin against skin, lips against lips. My body seemed to light up like fireworks, his hand on my waist tightening ever so slightly. Sirius kissed me like I was fresh air, yet a delicate flower. One harsh move, and I'd break. Still, I felt myself pulled lightly into him, my hands wrapping around his neck.

Reluctantly, I parted from his lips. His eyes intently sought mine. He wouldn't find any regret. That's for sure.

"What, what was that for?" I whispered, catching my breath.

"Proof that I want to give whatever this is between us a go."

I want that to. I want the possibility of a marriage filled with more than friendship. The possibility of love.

"Do you?" He questioned, looking me in the eyes.


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