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"-SO TRUE TO my word, the next day at breakfast I stood up and publicly invited Minnie to the ball with me!"

"And she said yes?!"

"If only! She said no, threatened to give me detention and stormed out of the hall angrily – but I saw the slight smile on her lips!"

I laughed as he finished the story.

"You've got a little-" He motioned to my lip. I tiled my head in confusion. With a small smile, he leaned forward, brushing his finger against my lip. Instead of pulling back, he kissed me. His hands glided to my sides, my own tangling in his hair.

Pulling back, I told him, "Let's go for a swim!"

I quickly removed my shoes, socks and jacket, looking up to see Sirius topless. Without waiting any longer, I grabbed his wrist, running to the water. Suddenly, my feet parted from the ground, and I noticed he was carrying me. Laughing at my shocked expression, he continued to the sea. We splashed each other, soaking our clothes until you could wring buckets of water out of them.

Later, we collapsed on the sand together, laughing as it stuck to our clothes and bodies. Sirius sat up, taking my hands and pulling me up suddenly.

"Close your eyes love." He told me with a smile.

I narrowed my eyes jokingly, following his instructions. I felt his hands move away from mine.

What is he doing...?

"Can I open them now?" I asked him after a while and, hearing a hum, I opened them.

Oh. My. God.

Gasping, my hands flow to my mouth as I took in what was before me.

Sirius was kneeling with a box wide open in his hands. Sitting for all to see was the most breath-taking ring I've ever seen. I looked back at him.

"Lexi, we were told we had to marry by the Ministry. And to be matched with someone as generous, funny, and special as you – I had to pinch myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. From the moment I saw you – I swear – the world stopped moving. I won't say you took my breath away, because the thought and sight of you makes me want to keep breathing. And I never want to be out of reach from you. Alexandra Serena Lestrange-Tonks, will you marry me?"

I didn't know what to say.

He knew my middle name. He said Lestrange. He's proposing to me!

"Yes, yes! Of course, I will!" Throwing myself forward, his arms wrapped around me.

When we arrived back at the Potters', we were met by a flurry of people.

"Did you do it?"

"Andra did you say yes?"

"Please say you said yes!"


Laughing at their eagerness, Sirius pulled me into his arms. I held out my hand, Lily and El fussing over the ring immediately.

"She's officially going to become a Black." Sirius smiled.

"Well done mate." James congratulated, patting his friend on the back.

Once we escaped the fussing, Sirius and I headed upstairs, and I looked down at my hand.

I'm not use to the weight.

| 19th November |

It was a wonderful morning. I'd woken up next to my fiancé, and - after escaping numerous cuddles - learned that the same person was taking me out to Hogsmeade. We walked past Zonko's Joke Shop, which I had to pull Sirius away from, and Honeydukes Sweets Shop. Due to the cold, and my own stupidity, draped over my shoulders was Sirius's precious leather jacket.

Honestly, I was honoured. He never lets anyone wear it - not even James. Hand in hand, we found a seat in The Three Broomsticks, both agreeing we needed butterbeer.

"Alexandra!" Turning, I saw a small figure with colour changing hair run towards me.

I stumbled slightly as her arms wrapped around my waist, releasing a gasp.

"Dora! How are you?"

She smiled toothily, "Great. Mum and Dad promised to buy me some sweets."

"Where are they?"

"They were looking at the menu." At her words, I looked up, trying to find the pair of them. Finding them, I noticed they were walking over.

"Ted! Andy! El and I missed you when we gathered our stuff." Dora let me go as I embraced the two people who I'd accepted as parents to me.

"Hello, sweetie. I hope my cousin's not being a nuisance?" Andy's words had a joking seriousness to them.

"You wound me!" Sirius cried, placing a hand to his heart. She laughed, pulling him into a hug.

We all sat down at a table, explaining how Sirius was now my fiancé. Thankfully, they took it well, and were both happy for us. We avoided mentioning the Law as much as possible, and by the end of it, I felt something I hadn't experienced a lot.


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