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| 13th November |

I FELT MY hair being stroked. The warmth beside me was constant.

And, breathing?

Groggily, I opened my eyes, and was met by the sight of a man's naked chest.


My head snapped up, I was cuddled against Sirius Black! Then everything came back to me. The letter, the test, the match.

"Morning." I yawned, feeling odd in my tummy. Sitting up, I looked back down at Sirius - determined not to let my gaze drop lower than his face.

"Good morning, Lexi." He answered, putting his hands beneath his head, and looking up at me.

Don't look at the arm muscles.

"Lexi?" My head tilted, confused. The odd feeling returned.

"Everyone needs a nickname."

I smiled, "I like it."

He smiled back, "Good."

A comfortable silence enveloped us, and I laid back down next to Sirius, head on the pillow.

Would this become my life? Waking up every morning next to Sirius. With his hand in my hair. Would it?

For some odd reason, the chance that would happen wasn't terrible. It was actually... pleasant. Happy.

"I want to stay here all day."

Sirius laughed, "You're really in love with the bed, huh?"

"I can't deny it, it feels like how I imagine a cloud would. Soft and fluffy."

Suddenly, I heard a rumble.

"And that's my sign to leave the bed." I groaned, reluctant to get up, turning and moving to the edge of the bed, hiding my red cheeks.

"Good morning!" I announced, walking into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" El passed me coffee before I could even answer.

"Drink." She told me. "You need it."

"Oh, Andra!" Lily began, from her seat at the table, "A letter came, no one's opened it yet as you weren't here."

She handed me a letter, the Ministry of Magic symbol once again seen. I was getting fed up of the Ministry.

Dear Ms Alexandra Tonks, Mr Sirius Black, Ms Elizabeth Tonks, and Mr Remus Lupin,

The Marriage Law in place has a number of requirements to be met. If not completed within the timeframe, it will result in you and your partner complete the requirement this in front of a Ministry worker, providing a reliable reason, or having your wands snapped and being cast out of the Wizarding Community.

The requirements include:

1) Living/move in with partner

2) Having sexual intercourse every 2 weeks

3) Sealing marriage on wedding night

4) No cheating

5) A child is born (or wife is expecting before the end of the year)

Wedding dates are as follows:

Ms Alexandra Tonks and Mr Sirius Black: 22 November

Ms Elizabeth Tonks and Mr Remus Lupin: 27 November

You have an estimate of a week to 2 weeks before your weddings (beginning from today's date, November 13) and have the choice of where it will take place.

Any complaints are to be told directly to the Ministry workers of the 'Marriage Law', now a department in the Ministry of Magic building.

Signed Cordially,

Thomas Mardly, Jessica Alore, Mave Ruffle, Lixi Fruy

I can't accept it.

Mind blown, I stormed out of the kitchen. The letter open on the table for the others to read.

Merlin knows how El will react...

This is insane! We go through a war, and now are expected to marry and bear children! I can't do this!

Storming into my room, I collapsed upon the bed. A minute passed before I heard a footsteps at the door.

"Go away." I mumbled into the bed. I didn't give a shit who it was.

"Even your future husband?"

Of course it was him.

"Right..." Sirius mumbled, "Too far. So... the letter was... extreme..."

"That is an understatement." He chuckled softly. An awkward silence came over us.

"The requirements in the letter," I begun, "how –I mean why do –does this all... you know?" I stumbled over my words.

"I don't think I'm comfortable with all that is asked Sirius – correction, I know I'm not" I finished, sitting up.

"I won't force you to hurry anything. But... as much as I hate it, the thing is, we either do what is asked in private or in front of a Ministry official. Personally, I'd rather the first." He said choosing his words carefully.

I pondered his words before answering, "Same." I didn't know how to phrase my next words.

"We might not fall in love."

He looked up at me, surprised. "Where is this coming from?"

"I just think you deserve to know. We may just be friends by the end of this."

"Friends that are forced to sleep with each other every 2 weeks." Sirius joked, lamely.

"Still, friends?" I held out my hand, attempting a smile.


Why does it hurt? I suggested being friends, so why does it hurt so damn much...?

The Marriage  Law ✺ SIRIUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now