[ 𝟙𝟘 ] m i s c h i e f

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| 21st November |

IT WAS THE afternoon when I heard the doorbell ring. I was resting my head on Sirius's shoulder as we sat on the couch reading, James jumping up from doing a puzzle with Remus and El to answer the door.

Soon enough, an older couple walked in, following James. The woman shared his smile, the man shared his hair. Instantly, Sirius stood up, embracing the two of them with a broad smile.

"How was your holiday?"

The woman smiled, "Wonderful! But we came back as soon as we heard the news, how are you all?"

"Never better." Sirius answered. I got up, walking over to him. His arm instantly wound around my waist.

"Mia, Monty; meet Alexandra." I smiled, a look of recognition passing through their eyes.

"Oh! Sirius's girl!" The man exclaimed

"Fleamont!" The woman, Mia, scolded, "Remember what I've said? A woman is her own person."

I like her.

Fleamont engaged in a conversation with El, Remus and James, while I turned to Sirius.

"Your 'girl'?"

He smiled bashfully, "I had to call you something!"

"And fiancé just wouldn't do?" He shook his head, kissing my cheek lightly before joining James.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Euphemia."

She smiled warmly, pulling me into a hug, "Call me Mia - please, anyone who can put up with Sirius deserves that at the very least!"

My head rested on Sirius's chest. We were cuddled up together on a couch in the library. El and Remus were merlin knows where in the house, and the others had taken Harry to the park. My eyes were closed, and I heard my 'pillow' turn a page in the book he was reading. Opening my eyes, I traced my finger up and down his arm.

Deciding enough was enough, and I needed to do something productive, I moved to get up. Just as my feet touched the floor, and I straightened, I was pulled around and back down. Falling, I found myself in an awkward position. Sirius's book was closed, and his hands rested on my hips as my legs were strung either side of his legs.

I'm fucking straddling him.

"This is better." He whispered, breath fanning over me as his face came closer.

One more movement and our lips would be touching.

"Better," I started, moving forward to tease him, "but not enough."

My heart hammered against my rip cage as his grey eyes intently sought mine. Suddenly, his lips slammed down against my own, the shear pressure causing me to fall back. Latching onto his neck, I returned to kiss just as violently. His grips on my waist tightened, causing our chests to press. His tongue slid across my bottom lip, teeth nipping lightly. My mouth opened, his tongue diving in, the taste of fire whisky filling my senses.

Breathing heavily, my head lolled back as Sirius's lips trailed down my neck. Catching my skin between his teeth, I let out a gasp, feeling him smirk. My fingers tugged on his hair as he continued kissing my skin, stopping at my collarbone.

"Wh- what's this for?" I gasped out, my breathing laboured.

He pulled back, thumb making circles on my hip. "Trying to leave."

Unable to stop a smile from forming, I leaned forward, kissing his stubbled jaw. Space between us was non-existent, his hands grabbing my butt and lifting me slightly. Sucking lightly, his head tilted as I continued my actions. Pressing against him more, I felt a bulge through his usual tight jeans.

"Getting a bit excited?" I joked into his ear.

He groaned, "As much as I want to continue this, anyone could walk in - and this is getting uncontrollable."

Against my better judgement, I shifted my hips slowly, causing him to moan out. "What if I don't want to?"

His head fell to my shoulder, "You're going to regret teasing me Lexi."

"I don't think I will."

He groaned, "Merlin help me. Lexi, you'll be dealing with the man."

I smirked, "Why aren't you getting it? Show me the man Sirius."

The next thing I know, fingers are digging into my sides, my shirt is lifted slightly, and I'm rocking on him at a steady pace. His breathing fans across my neck as I let out a shaky breath, eyelids flickering shut. I relish in the sweet, sweet pleasure. His touch felt hot against my skin, and every part of me tingled as I kept feeling his hard bulge beneath me. It seemed to fit perfectly against my lower body, even with both of us wearing pants.

His grinded me faster against him, causing me to let out a moan. Instantly, his cock jerked, hips buckling into me.

He's losing what little restraint he has left.

I felt myself heat up, my breathing fastening. His head lifted from my shoulder, pulling me into a mind blowing kiss. Hands creeping up my sides, I was pushed against him, unable to move. A hand snuck to my front, slowly drifting down when-

"Oh shit!"

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Pulling back quickly, my head snapped over to the doorway, where Remus and El were stood. Remus had a smirk on his face, while El was covering her eyes.

"This isn't what it looks like!"

"Oh," Remus questioned, "You mean to tell me both of you weren't about to have sex in the library right now?"

I was certain my cheeks were bright red. Not knowing what to say, I was luckily saved by the sound of the door.

"Don't you dare say of word of this!" I threatened my best friend and her... fiancé.

What do I even call him?

They hurried away, leaving me and Sirius alone.

"What?" I questioned as I noticed his smirk.

"Are you gonna get off me, or am I going to have to carry you down stairs?"

"Oh! Right!" I stumbled, lifting myself off him. Just as I stabled myself, I lost my balance, landing back in Sirius's lap.

"Shit!" He yelped, wincing and clutching his crutch.

"Crap! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I bit my lip, quickly getting off him.

"A kiss might make it better" He breathed out.

"You fucking-"

"Andra! Sirius! You coming down?" Lily's voice from downstairs interrupted me.

"Coming now!" I called back, glaring at Sirius.

"You're not actually hurt, are you?" My hands rested on my hips as he stood up.

"No. But, it was worth a try" He shrugged, pulling me against him.


Suddenly noticing something, I leaned up to his ear, "Try and fix yourself before you come downstairs, darling."

I chuckled as he looked down, shifting his jeans.

"Why? Don't you want to help me?" He smirked. I tried to stop my cheeks from heating up.

You don't know how much I want to...

"Why should I?" I replied, heading towards to door.

"Because you caused this." He motioned to himself.

I laughed lightly, sending him a kiss, "See you downstairs."

One of these days, I wouldn't leave him to deal with the after effects. I would be the solution.

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