4 - Widows

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Natasha walked into the lab to see the other Avengers gathered around a camera watching the live feed of the cell.

"Anything on her yet?" Asked Bruce "The way she fights," began Natasha "I think she might be a widow" he considered this for a moment before answering "you know her?"

"No, I mean I didn't get a good look at the widows when we took down the red room, she could easily be one of them, yelena would be the one to ask about that not me".

Tony Stark, who had been listening silently (which was quite out of character for him) decided to give his input.

"Can't we call yelena?" He asked, but Natasha shook her head "I don't know where she is currently and she might not even know".

"I think we should intergate her our selves first" said Steve, the others agreed and they all made their way down to the cell.

When they arrived at the cell, they found the girl pacing her cell impatiently.

When she saw them enter the room,
She stopped and stood watching them approach her.

Clint stepped forward "who are you and what do you want"
He demanded getting straight to the point.

She smiled slightly "I am a black widow assassin and I want to kill the winter soldier" she replied simply.

The group was a little taken aback by her honesty but brushed it off as Natasha stepped forward.

"You're not a killer any more, the red rooms gone, Dreykovs dead" the woman smiled sweetly "I know, I killed him" Natasha stumbled backwards slightly "What, what are you taking about, yelena and I killed Dreykov when we took down the red room" she insisted as the woman continued to smile.

"No, you blew him up, twice and always presumed that there was no body left but Dreykov is too slippery to kill" the Avengers looked on at the two, there was something unsettling about this woman and eerily familiar.

The girl continued to talk as Nat stared at her in shock.

"I killed him, three shots to the head and I still checked his pulse"
She finished, looking proud of her self.

Natasha shook her head "No, no you don't have to kill anymore" she was clearly getting distressed so steve took her shoulder and gently steered her back a few steps to the group.

The girl watched as the Avengers gathered around Natasha consoling her and a few tears spilled from her eyes.

"Do you not recognize me?" She asked quietly turning all heads in her direction.

"I may be wearing a mask but do you not recognize my voice?" She was beginning to sound more desperate now as she pulled of her mask revealing her real face.

"I need to kill him Tasha please you don't know what he did to me" Natasha stared at her in shock.

"Abby" she whispered "I thought you were dead" abby's expression turned sour "well you would wouldn't you" she replied bitterly.

"The Famous black widow" she hissed before gesturing at the Avengers "Do your your little friends know your past hm?" Natasha winced.

Bruce steeped forward "look, we all made mistakes" he began before being cut off be a empty laugh from the cell
"Oh I apologise, please let me begin again, raise your hand if" she glanced around the room before her eyes landed on Nat "of you've ever killed you sister".

The room fell to silence "I thought as much" she she said quietly "I thought as much".

The Lonely Widow - Natasha Romanoffs Sister Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now