11 - Emerald

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They group stood outside of the shield compound staring at the sky.

Thor held up his hammer and yelled "HEIMDALL" Daisy leaned over to Fitz "is that supposed to do something?" She whispered "Heimdall is the gatekepper" he whispered in replie, the agent still looked confused but accepted it as fact when a beam of light from the sky swallowed them whole.

The bright light spat them out on the bifrost where they were greeted by Heimdall, the warriors three and lady sif.

Thor introduced the agents and avengers to his friends while sif went straight over to Coulson and they greeted each other like old friends which confused a few but nobody questioned it.

They all set out and began making their way to the palace. When they reached the palace sif and the warriors three separated from them leaving them to face the allfather.

They entered the hall looking around them in pure awe of all the gold while Tony made a mental note to integrate Thor about the architecture later.

"Father!" Declared the god of thunder smiling at the man on the throne before him. Bruce leaned over to jemma "should we bow?" He whispered but she just stared back at him shocked that the Bruce banner was talking to her.

"My son" began the king "what brings your sudden return" he paused and scanned the crowd "with you Midgardian allies" "We need to speak to Loki" said thor and Odin's face visibly hardened.

"The prisoner is to remain in solitude for the rest of his days" he said firmly, frigga looked at the floor in shame.

"We only need to speak with him for a moment" insisted the prince, doing face remained form but his wife looked up at him pleadingly, he sighed.

"Very well" he muttered "you may speak with your brother for a short time only" thor smiled gratefully.

He turned and began to walk down the hall and the group followed him briskly attempting to keep up with his long strides.

He lead them to a dark set of stairs that seemed to go on for ever until they reached a considerably darker corridor.

At the end of the passage was a large set of wooden doors with a guard standing outside of them.

"I have come to see my brother" thor told the guard, the man looked slightly uneasy.

He unlocked the door but stopped and looked up at the prince before opening them "beware your majesty, the prisoner is...." he hesitated "unstable".

The large doors swung open to reveal rows and rows of magical looking cells.

The group made their way to the very last one at the end of the row.

Loki stood, chains still dawning his neck and hands keeping him confined in one corner of the cell.

When he saw the group a malicious smile spread across his face "ah, brother" he said, his smooth voice sending chills down their spines.

"Let me guess, they warned you I was unstable?" He inquired "yes, they did and I'm beginning to think they were right" replied his brother firmly.

"And yet you come for my help with a woman you deemed mad" the avengers and agents alike shared uneasy glances "how do you know that?" Asked Natasha, he smiled "I can read minds Romanoff" he answered coolly.

He scanned the crowd and landed on phil "Still alive" he drawled staring the man down who looked away from his burning gaze uncomfortably.

He tore his gaze away from the agent and looked back at his brother who held up a knife "is this yours?" The god of mischief nodded.

Natasha continued "the woman we're chasing, my sister, she had this" she nodded towards the dagger in Thor's hand "have you ever met an Absantine romanoff?" Loki's eyes lingered on the knife for a moment before speaking "There was an Abbey Romanova" he said finally and Natasha paled.

"Romanova?" She chocked out, the god looked at her curiously before nodding, she stumbled backwards.

She could hear clint faintly calling her name, somebody touched her arm, the last thing she saw was Loki's piercing emerald green eyes burning through her.

Wait, emerald?

And then it all went black.

Hi 👋
I missed another day!

I think I'm going to change my update days to Saturdays because I just don't have enough time during the week to write so from now on I'm going to release chapters at the weekend.

Stay safe!

- Madeline

754 words

The Lonely Widow - Natasha Romanoffs Sister Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now