8 - Home

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By the time Natasha flew into Moscow it was already dark but she decided that this couldn't wait until the morning, the needed to find her little sister.

She stepped out of the jet and onto the cold snow covered ground. The cold air of Russian winter bit at her finger tips and she rubbed her hands together for warmth and set off to where she knew Absantine would be, the house where she had spent the first four years of her life.
The Romanoff house.


When she arrived she saw the house was in darkness but this didn't stop her, Absantine was unlikely to turn on the lights and draw attention to a house that had been empty for a good few years, she wasn't sure how many.

Natasha pulled out a pistol and casually approached the house. She was surprised to find the door unlocked which increased her suspicion that her sister knew she was coming.

She opened the door quietly and and stepped inside. She walked almost silently throughout the house, determined not to get distracted by the few good memories this place held.

She turned a sharp corner only to find her self faced by an almost mirror image of herself.

Red hair pulled back in a braid, black suit and holding a pistol out in front of her, Absantine stood tall with a ice cold glare on her face.

When she saw Natasha she lowered her gun and turned around and began walking away.
Natasha followed her.

"Why are you here tasha" abby demanded in her thick Russian accent.

"I'm here to find you" replied the avenger "I told you to stay out of my way, did I not?" Her sister continued "and you lost your accent" she concluded catching the other woman off guard.

"What?" "You're accent, it's gone you sound American now"
"I do not"
"You do too"
"I do not!
"Yes, you do".

Natasha lost any ounce of patience that she had left and yelled at her sister.

"You killed an Avenger!" She shouted and Absantine turned and gave her a 'no shot sherlock' look.

Natasha took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her self down "Shield, the police, government organisations are looking for you abbey, this is serious".

The younger girl looked back and her sister with a stone like expression.

"I killed a monster, I killed a red room trainer, I killed the winter soldier, I did not want to hurt an innocent man, I did not want to hurt James barnes it is simply and unfortunate coincidence that they happen to be the same person, and don't call me abbey".

Natasha stared at her in disbelief. "These people are my...." she trailed off as tears began to well in Absantines eyes.

"Your what, your family?" Natasha looked down uncomfortably. "Like Alexi, Melina and yelena huh?, like they were your family, like I was your family" she was beginning to raise her voice now.

she screamed "And I finally got a chance to change that, I had 1 mission left, one life left to take and then I was free, don't you understand?" Her tone has almost pleading now.

"Look, I get it okay? We all had shit childhoods, shit lives but-" began Natasha but she was cut off by a cold, empty laugh from her sister.

"All of us?" She laughed again "you have no idea how jealous I was when you went on the Ohio mission, for three years you got to be a normal kid, for three whole years you didn't have to wake up every morning wondering if you would survive another day, or if today was the day that training would kill you".

She turned sharply to face the Avenger "you will never understand, and you should have stayed in your beloved america".

With that statement, Absantine lunged for Natasha knocking her to the ground.

Natasha managed to grab abbey's hand and caught her off guard. She used this to her advantage and rolled over so that she was now on top.

Abbey shoved Nat off of her and jumped up in a defensive position.

"Abbey please I don't want to fight-" abbey lunged for her sister and grabbed her leg, she spun around her and landed sitting on her shoulders with her legs wrapped around Nats neck, a classic black widow move.

Nat began hitting her sisters leg to try and get her off with no avail.

As a last resort she threw her self backwards onto the ground causing abbey to loose her stance.

Abbey grabbed Natashas batons and flipped around landing in front of her.

Trigger warning ahead

She pushed the two batons together making one big staff as Natasha began to get to her feet she hit her hard in the face making her calm back to her knees.

She hit her again harder and she fell back, sitting down. Absantine continued to hit her across the face.

End of trigger.

Natasha fell unconscious on the ground.

"I told you to stay out of my way" she hissed before walking away from her sisters unconscious form.

She grabbed her bag and left the house with no intention of ever returning.


Yay! A longer chapter!
I updated twice this week to make up for the last two chapters being quite short but other than that I will stick to the schedule.

Please don't be a silent reader!
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- Madeline ♡

The Lonely Widow - Natasha Romanoffs Sister Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now