13 - Monster

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When Natasha opened her eyes she could hear faint voices calling her name.

Her vision focused on clint kneeling confront of her, a worried expression dawning his face.

"Nat, are you okay, you just blacked out?" The assassin neglected to answer the archer, instead looking at the god in the cell behind him.

She stared at his eyes with curiosity taking in their unique colour.

Those were eyes you would not forget. But neither were the bright blue pair he sported in New York.

His gaze bore into her skull and she felt a sort of presence enter her mind.

Natasha knew that Loki was reading her mind, but for some reason she made no attempt to stop him.

There was an odd comfort in being able to silently share her darkest thoughts, her most secret memories with someone whom she barley knew.

The warm feeling quickly disappeared when he tore his eyes away from her and his presence left her mind.

He glanced at her with sympathy and her trance was immediately broken.

This man was a monster, a killer how dare he rifle through her head like that.

She did not like him and she did not trust him but something gave her the feeling that she might have to trust him soon.

She accepted clients outstretched hand and stood up, reassuring her team that she was alright.

She turned to the cell and pointed at the god in a accusing manor "Don't read my mind" she told him but he simply shrugged in response not breaking eye contact with her as his brother scolded him.

That's when she remembered and decided now was as good a time as any to mention it, besides it would avert the attention from her fainting spell.

"Your eyes are green" she stated, Clint looked at her uneasily as though assessing her for any head injuries.

"Excellent observation Agent Romanoff" Loki replied sarcastically "No, I mean your eyes are green they weren't in New York" Natasha insisted.

The man looked slightly uneasy for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Nat what are you getting at?" Asked Steve "his eyes in New york were blue" the spy began turning to face the blonde soilder "Like Clint's and Selvigs, I thought it was because he was controlling them, but what if he wasn't in control either?".

There was silence for a moment as the Avengers took in the information handed to them.

"Are you saying that he was controlled as well?" Asked Fitz (totally didn't forget they were here) Natasha nodded confirming the scientists statement.

Thor turned to the cell to face the prisoner who had been unusually silent throughout the discussion.

"Brother why didn't you say anything?" He asked in a hurt tone, Loki let out an empty laugh that sent chills down their spines.

"I mean, let's be honest would you have believed me?" There was silence so he continued "Besides, I'm safer here than I would be anywhere else, I failed him Thor and now he won't stop until he finds me, and kills me" the manor in which he spoke was eerily calm but if you looked hard enough the pain was evident in his voice.

Thor looked at his younger brother with pity, honestly he was ashamed that he hadn't noticed the eyes, he was ashamed that he hadn't noticed the desperate want to be seen as his brothers equal that Loki had displayed as a child, most of all he was ashamed that he wasn't there for his little brother when he needed him most, he was supposed to protect him but Thor had gotten caught up in his own selfish reasons. he had failed him, and he doubted that he could ever forgive himself.

The god was snapped (hehe, snapped) back to reality by Tony and Steve's sad attempt at whispering.

"- he's the bad guy Tony!" The Captain hissed "well Capsicle, from what I've heard he wasn't in control" The billionaire retorted "that doesn't mean we can take him home with us" "why not, he's powerful, he can read minds, he could be useful!".

The conversation was interrupted by the man in question "I would rather you did not converse as though I was not present" Steve went bright red and had the decency to look sheepish, whereas Tony looked unbothered.

"Reindeer games, how do you feel about a trip to earth to help us catch reds crazy sister?" He asked cheerfully "Stark" warned Natasha "sorry, not crazy just um, mentally disturbed?"

Natasha sent him a glare but didn't protest the new term "Absolutely no way - " Began Clint.

Tony Stark waltzed into the Throne room of the Asgardian palace with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Hey Odin, we're getting outta here and we're taking rock of ages with us, cool?"

Odin simply stared at him in confusion until a guard leaned towards him "I think he means to say that they wish to return to Midgard with...." he hesitated slightly, unsure of what he should call Loki no longer sure if he wore the title of 'prince' "prisoner" he finished eventually.

The King turned back to the group, his face wore a resigned expression and he sighed "Very well, but he must be kept under his brothers watchful eye at all times".

Tony smiled gleefully and sent a 'told you so' look in Steve's direction while the captain simply rolled his eyes.

Loki was coming to Earth, again.


I just realized when re - reading it that this chapter kinda hints blackfrost at the start, so I just want to make it clear that the only ships in this book are ones confirmed in the mcu such as pepperony.

Also another short chapter ugh! I hate myself for it but oh well, life goes on.

Please don't be a silent reader!

- Madeline

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