9 - Alive

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When Natasha regained consciousness she found her sister long gone.

She sighed and sat up rubbing her head, how could she have let this happen?

Absantine had put her in a difficult position, one her she had to choose between her second family, the avengers or her blood, her sister.

Only then did the Avenger notice her batons discarded on the floor beside her, strange, she had presumed that Abby took them with her.

She picked one up and saw something tied to it with an elastic band.

It half of a photograph. The picture had been torn down the middle leaving Natasha with only one side.

The photo was of a young Absantine, about five years old. She was grinning happily at the camera her red curls framing her face.

Natasha instantly recognized it. The photo had been of the two twins, arm in arm which meant her sister had intentionally kept the other half containing The Avengers face.

She smiled slightly at the thought before sighing at the realization of her situation. She was stuck in russia presuming, as she did, that Absantine had taken the jet.


When she returned one look at her face was all Nick Fury needed to tell him that they had lost her again.

Later that day, the Avengers gathered in on of Shields many meeting rooms for a briefing before they left for another mission.

He began by telling them that Natasha had been wearing a body camera.

Natasha froze. She had forgotten about that and was one hundred percent sure she didn't want anyone seeing that footage.

That conversation was private, between two sisters and as much as she hated it and would probably never admit it, she didn't want them seeing it because she knew abbey wouldn't want them seeing it either.

But it was too late, it was out of her control.

The Avengers were going to see it whether she liked it or not.

After the clip had played there was complete and utter silence.

And then chaos.

People yelling and shouting back and forth about Absantine Romanoff.

How they could catch her.

How she kept getting away.

Clint was hungry.

What her abilities were.

Scott was also hungry.

"SILENCE" yelled Fury, everyone turned to look at him as the room fell quite.

"We have reason to believe that She may be inhuman".

Confused glances were thrown around the room while Brice sat up straighter in his chair.

He had heard about Inhumans, read about them but he had never to his knowledge met one of them nevermind chased one.

"How can you be sure?" He asked "We can't" came the simple reply "but Agent Coulson's team has a lot of experience with these individuals and they will be valuable additions to the team, temporarily of course".

The Avengers stayed silent for a moment Much to the Director's confusion until he noticed the slip of his tounge.

"Motherfu -"





"Did my brother not kill him?"

The last one came from a very confused Thor, he couldn't understand why these mortals were so shocked at the concept of resurrection.

In the middle of this screaming match Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz had entered and were extremely confused while their boss stood behind them grinning.

"It's good to be back" Said Phil Coulson.

sorry for not updating last week, I have exams coming up and was getting pretty stressed with them and I didn't get a chance to wrote all week.

I added Agents of Shield cuz I love them, who doesn't?

Please comment if you see any spelling mistakes!

Vote if you enjoyed!

I might have more time at the weekend so I'll probably post a chapter to make up for missing a week.

Stay safe 😷
Bye 👋
- Madeline ♡

The Lonely Widow - Natasha Romanoffs Sister Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now