Chapter 1

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So, before I start, just a note. 

Time - slotted in the time in which Powder grows up to be Jinx, and will not go onto any part featured in the series (I haven't planned that anyway). The only part that may feature in here that is from the series is most likely to be the first HexTech breakthrough.

Oh, and I don't plan to have anything word for word when it's scenes from the series.

You can read on now :)


It had worked. It had actually worked, and now we were floating. We'd made zero-gravity, and a breakthrough. This could be the start of a new era - the beginning of HexTech. I flicked a cog through the nucleus of the power, and it emerged the other side, where Viktor grabbed it, then poked it so it would continue to just float.

I could see Professer Heimerdinger from the corner of my eye, so I looked over. He looked shocked. I didn't think he was expecting this. Mel appeared behind Heimerdinger, of course much less shocked, as she had seen us earlier, so knew what we were doing.

"This could have potential..." she tell Heimerdinger, "This... magic technology."

"It's called HexTech." Viktor announces to the four people there - Mel, Heimerdinger and two enforcers.

I was proud of our work, this could really make a change to the lives of everyone, and if I'm honest, I would have never succeeded without Viktor, and so I am thankful.


***************************************8 months later *****************************************

Our creation made it all over Piltover. HexTech became of much use.

First, we created the Hex Gates, which improved income to more cities and areas than just that of Piltover. Travel was able to speed up by days, weeks, even months. We knew we still had a long way to go.

The next goal was to establish even more. HexTech could bring a change to every live, gloabally.

"What do you think of this?" Jayce asks, drawing my attention to a detailed plan on the chalkboard.

"Possible. Very possible most likely." HexTech powered vehicles - balloon like vehicles most likely - Airships.

I studied the design and read all the annotations. 

In that time, I felt a nagging feeling that...

"You're staring, aren't you?" I question Jayce.

"No." he quickly replies.

"I know when someone is staring." I remind him, for the probable 50th time in only the last couple of months. He doesn't say anything after that, just gets back to marking the chalkboard, editing this and that, and writing a couple notes on paper.


I really need to stop staring. It's strange and it's creepy, and I don't know why I do. I just leave the situation and continue with my work, like nothing ever happened. 

I look out the window, and I see the moon. It's dark outside, and any normal-hours working person would be at home right now. We really should be, but science is science, and it's hard to stop when you get going.

I finalise the HexTech vehicles plan on paper, and wedge it into my notebook.

"We should probably finish for the day." Viktor announces, standing up. He goes over to the book-and-paper covered table, and he clears and neatens it a bit. I grab my coat from the coat hooks, and I pass him his. We walk out the laboratory, locking the door behind us. The travel back to our homes is trodden together until we have to take separate ways.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell Viktor. He nods and makes a small wave.

I walk down the rest of the road needed to get to my house, and make my way up to my room after locking the house door.

I go to relax for the evening, but I can't. I'm thinking - a lot - but it's not about our work on HexTech. It's a seemingly nice but intrusive thought, that lingers, strengthens and dampens all through my day, which I can get out of noticing, but right now, it's as plain as day to see.

*******************************************A week later****************************************

"I hope this works." I mutter, as we get ready to set off a model version of the much larger HexTech powered Airships we plan to create. Viktor flicks a switch, and the magic-infused power starts up. It sparkles blue and makes whirring noises, which quite quickly increase in speed. With a miniturised version of what wpuld be a rather loud-by-now whirr, the model Airship glides off the platform, with good consistent speed, and it keeps it's level of height.

I look over at Viktor, who is keeping close analysis of the Airship as it glides.

"You're staring, again." he says, turning his gaze, and catching me in the act.

"I was just seeing if you were impressed with the outcome." Half a truth, but I don't know what the lie half is. It's got something to do with the strange, intrusive thought. He makes a small nod.

"So, are you pleased with the Airship?" I asks, following up my half-truth-half-lie.

"Ye-" he begins, interuppted by a small crash. We look over to the Airship, now on the floor after crashing into the wall.

"Should have kept watch on it." Viktor states, limping over to the crash-site.

"At least we know not to fly them into walls." I say, making a joke out of the incident. I hear a small laugh from him, as he picks up the main body of the Airship, which is still pretty intact.

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