Chapter 12

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"I've gotta ask, what was your favorite human taste? I know there are lots but if you could have one again what would it be?"

"That's a great question..... something with cheese and garlic, I guess."

"I've heard those are very popular. There's something else, I believe you call it butter, Does it actually make everything better?" I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Butter was such a simple common thing in my household, in many households. Most people knew what it was. I have to keep reminding myself he's not human. I've decided I don't care though. He treats me like an equal. The captain treats me like a child, which I get, kinda. He's become a father figure of types.

"I miss my dad." I could feel tears start to burn my eyes. He was home, with my brother and my mom, With Lada's family, my grandmother. I'll never see them again... How many kids won't ever get to see them again. How many families lost their kids? Their friends, the people they relied on. Warm arms wrapped around me as fresh tears trailed down my cheeks. I've been through this, I've cried over this, I've accepted it. Why will it not go away? I just want to be numb already. That's what's supposed to happen from what I've heard. I sat there till the tears stopped with Arthur's arms around me.

"You feel this way because every time you try to feel it gets repressed. They don't understand you as well as they think they do."

"I just want my dad." My voice broke with desperation as Arthur's shoulder muffled my pleas. A new well tore through me. "Why am I the only one who feels this?"

"Because whatever they're doing isn't working on you. They don't know what to do."

"Then why won't they just end me. I don't want to do it anymore."

"I know, but you're strong. It might not feel that way but you are. I don't know why, I wish I could tell you I did, but I'm here for you. You have been so brave, and you're going to have to continue to do that."

"Why are we here?"

"You know how all the Torexx on board are warriors? Well, their native planet is moving away from the empire-building warriors they've been known as. A few people weren't fond of that. So they came to earth to find your warriors and mix them with theirs. There were laws in place to keep the warriors from breeding amongst themselves, as well as if they have their best breeding with your best, they have more opportunity for success." I'm their dog. Their science experiment to continue being the brutish giants they are instead of accepting a new way of life.

"How long?"

"For you? a few years. Calepus is more against this than most of the Torexx onboard. I guess he didn't really have a choice in being here. Are you hungry?" Didn't have a choice? Like he was dragged aboard kicking and screaming? Maybe it was some honor thing, which still meant he had a choice. I was upset before, but now I'm pissed. How could they be so full of themselves to think this is okay. I'm going home. Lada's going home. Bastards.

I laid in bed stewing over what Arthur had told me. A technologically advanced species and they choose to come to earth and drag away helpless teenagers for one of their science experiments. For what? So they can gain glory, power, and hostilely take over their homeworld. I felt bad for myrtle, my stuffed animal. She wasn't the one who I wanted to squeeze the life from, but it was acceptable. I don't think our Torexx overlords would appreciate me trying to strangle them. I turned to the clock to realize it was getting late, too late for the captain to not have returned. I walked into the main room to find Hanae eating.

"You should probably eat before he gets back." I ignored her and went for the door; there had to be some way to open it. It always just slid open for them... energy recognition, I think that's what Calepus called it. Before I got to inspect it the door slid open, revealing an all to pleasant-looking captain.

"Vinnepus wants to see you." Why couldn't it wait till tomorrow? "Why don't you eat, and then we'll go."

"I'm not hungry."

"I guess we'll go now then. Hanae, we'll be back soon."

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