Chapter 23

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"I'm done being patient. I'm done waiting for her pathetic human body to do what its been told. It's like her genetics are just as stubborn as that cursed girl." Vinnepus looked like he was going to break his monitor system before Hivac walked in. The lab had already been trashed by the doctor's little tantrum, the only thing left was the expensive equipment the Captain managed to lock up.

"Another failed plan Vinnepus," Hivac questioned calmly as he examined yet another destroyed lab.

"You'd think she doesn't have reproductive organs, but I checked, and they're still there. She's healthy, she's fed properly, she's been given the best odds any female in this damned universe has been given and she can't produce one single child. I even checked to see if it was Calepus, but he's perfectly capable of impregnating her... GAHH." Vinnepus smashed another tray into the ground leaving the clattering sound of metal ringing off the walls. "I'll just harvest them. I'm done waiting."

"You won't be doing anything in your state," Hivac ordered. Vinnepus looked semi-shocked. The captain thought it was his first time being told no.

"We've both been angry and confused the past couple of weeks. Leave the two alone for a few days. It could just be constant stress." Vinnepus looked like he was about to break something again but finally relented like the obedient pet he was.

"Focus on Rusilike's child for now; I hear she's making great strides."

"His mate is already pregnant again too," Vinnepus added on as he strutted out of the lab. Hivac seemed pleased with the sudden burst of good news, but the captain was happy for another reason. A few days without anyone checking in on those two was good enough time to make sure they disappeared, and no one would be the wiser. He had to act quickly if that was to happen though.

"How's your mate, Captain," Hivac asked. He was peering at himself in the mirror, preening for the girl who couldn't say no if she wanted.

"Well, she's expecting soon."

"Wonderful news. Perhaps you should get back to her."

"Thank you, sir." And with that, the captain left to hatch his plan.

"Why can't we just overload the door," I asked impatiently as Calepus fiddled with the control panel. If energy recognition let people in and out, overloading it would have to do something.

"That would just set off alarms and we don't want that." Before I had time to ask another question the door came open revealing The Captain. He didn't have food, but new clothes and weapons.

"Change into these, and be quick about it," he ordered. What game were they playing now? We gave them what they wanted, there was no reason to torture us like this any further.

"What are you doing," Calepus seethed. The tension in the room was suffocating as The Captain debated on what to say.

"I'm making sure the program is protected from you and your stubborn partner. Warrior 21 is waiting in the docking bay. Go home for all I care, just leave the ship." Calepus seemed more at ease than I did as he took the clothes and began to change. It was an escape or some horrible plan to break me again. I couldn't risk missing the escape though, could I? I decided to take the clothes. I decided to trust that Calepus was making the right decision. I wouldn't have survived this long without him.

"Why are we a threat to the program?"

"He's afraid our child will be as stubborn and twice as powerful as you," Calepus sighed slipping on the boots he was given.

"Alexia please, I don't have much time now." I slipped into the uniform. What else wasn't he telling me? Did Calepus already suspect that was the case or was he just using his power on the captain? Would he take me home, or did he have another planet in mind? Do I even want to go home? That was a question I'd never thought I'd ask. I couldn't bring Calepus back with me, and what would happen if they just came back to kill me and my family? Would my family even want me back after such a long time, would my friends want me back knowing all of the people I'd left behind? I didn't have time to ask any of those questions as we started out the door in a group of other Torexx in similar uniforms to our own. The Captain walked on my right and Calepus took my left as we marched in sync with the rest of the group. I got worried when they started to split up. I just raised my head and walked like I knew what I was doing. I got into a lot of parties like that my freshman year. We crossed a few more doors with The Captain before the area opened up to a large hangar with huge ships. They were nothing like the chrome ones I'd seen in her dream prison. These were black, sleek, evil-looking ships. The guards were moving with precision around the hanger, but never glanced at us as we strode to a ship with an open door, that was until something went over the loudspeaker.

"This is not a drill. Code secan. All personnel please respond." The voice was panicked and calculated, much like everything else the Torexx did. The captain was unworried though.

Calepus practically drug me onto the ship and into the cockpit. He brought the ship to life with practiced ease and shot out of the hangar. I couldn't see what was going on, and I didn't want to. I was so worried that if I looked back they'd catch us. That if I gave them my attention I would never get away. I closed my eyes and listened for the voices in my head, but they never came. Instead, the cool sound of the wormhole generator filled my ears. At least my mind got that sound right.

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