Chapter 21

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"This is absolutely absurd." Hivac stormed around the lab throwing things off the tables. "It should not take this long for her to be with child. All the tests suggest she's perfectly able to, and Calepus isn't lacking either. Why is she not pregnant?" Vinnepus couldn't come up with an answer for him and sat silently rerunning the blood work. He couldn't think of a reason for the girls failing either. He'd forced her into ovulation three times and let her body run through its natural one, but nothing produced what they needed. The Captain flanked Hivac as he destroyed the lab and carefully picked up everything from the floor. He smiled slightly though as he picked up the glass. He knew exactly why Alexia wasn't pregnant yet and was rather proud of his planning. The captain thought that their child would be a monstrosity, a threat to all alien species. Some of the crew thought the same and banded together to make sure Alexia would remain infertile. He knew Vinnepus would soon resort to other methods soon, but those were easily sabotaged. The captain also thought they'd extinguish the girl soon, but if he was the one asked to do it... Alexia would not submit to living aboard The 2132. The captain had a gut instinct that her child never would either.

"Captain, go check on the girl." A med bag was shoved into his hands and he was shooed off to check on Lexi.

I was laid out across the bed while Calepus rubbed my back. Every muscle was unwinding and sinking deeper into the mattress. The room was getting colder as I grew more tired, and goosebumps sprang up on my skin.

"Are you cold, or turned on?" I chuckled and rolled onto my back. He was smirking down at me. I could get used to this pampering and relaxation. It wasn't the life of learning I desired, but I loved being with Calepus. I could sacrifice all of my wants to be with him. To make him happy.

"A little cold. Why would a back rub be a turn-on?"

"It seemed to be in some of the human books I studied." I bursted out laughing, a little to Calepus's surprise. "What's so funny?"

"You need to read better romance novels if that's how they win their ladies."

The door slid open to reveal the captain with one of those stupid, portable med kits.

"What do you want you overgrown slug," Calepus growled and quickly blocked the captain's path to me.

"I've been told to check on Alexia. Do not resist me."

"You and I both know who wins that fight, Zacharianic." Calepus' shoulders tightened up and I could almost feel his anger. It wasn't a rolling boil though, or the hard ice people describe. His anger felt like a wave of silence that encased my mind and coaxed a similar response. Annoyance was my overriding feeling though. I laid my hand on Calepus and he relaxed a bit.

"Why here?"

"You worried some of the females on board. It's not good for their children." I chuckled and moved to the edge of the bed.

"Examine away, slug."

Calepus stood to watch as the captain prodded and poked and took more blood. I never got used to the needles, but I couldn't show how much it bothered me, especially not in front of Calepus. He knew though. Calepus's fist clenched as soon as I saw the needle being drawn out of the bag. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but the captain was quicker than I expected and I yelped a bit at the pinch.

"I'm almost done," the captain soothed. He rubbed some gel on my arm. Vinnepus said it thinned the blood, I didn't notice a difference when he started using it though.

"You don't need that much for blood tests," Calepus worried. He took a step closer, but the Captain paid him no mind.

"I'm doing what I was told Calepus. I do not take joy in bothering you or Lexi." He pulled the needle from my arm and quickly bandaged the wound it left.

"Leave him alone dear. He's just as cowardly as them. He just dresses it up as honor."

"Everything I do is for my people, Alexia, and you'd do well to remember that," the captain growled.

No matter how much I'd steeled myself to, that name... the way he said it... I could barely breathe as Calepus shoved him to the floor and cupped my face.

"Do not go there. Hey... calm." I could feel the pulsing from his hands and leaned against it. The door broke my focus and the Captain was gone leaving me and an extremely worried mind link. "We should sleep."

"It'll mess up our..." Calepus cut me off with a quick kiss to my lips and a wink.

"We can nap for a bit, it's basically early morning." I found myself smiling again and laying down in Calepus's grasp. His heart was beating like a gallop, but it calmed steadily the longer they laid there.

"Thank you... I don't know what would've happened."

"No need to think about that, gorgeous," he mumbled onto my scalp. I could live cradled in Calepus' arms, but I think I'd get rather fat if I did that.

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