Chapter 1: The Start?

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HELLO EVERYONE! Welcome to my new book I hope you enjoy no warning this chapter just a normal Jirou simp chapter!

Jirous Pov

*sigh* I open the gates to U.A after summer break and step inside. This summer break has been killing me, all of us barely talk to each other and we never text. Well at least not as much as we used to, I go into class 1-A to about 12 students there already. Midoriya, Todoroki, Koda, Sato, Tokoyami, Tsu, Shoji, Denki, Mina, M*neta(Ugh), Kirishima and a girl who catches my eye as she runs towards me to hug me. It's Momo and flinch at the sudden hug but then I relax and hug back, "Good morning Momo." I say in my everyday low voice. She replies "Good morning Jirou! How are you" I tell her I'm fine and we go sit down before the tired caterpillar walks into class. When he does he starts taking role, (even though he probably don't do that) we start class with a training session and as we head out I see Bakugou and the rest start to head in and put there stuff up, they catch up and follow the rest of us.

When we get there we all are out of breath because half-way there he made us sprint. We all sigh as we walk into the gym and we pair up with partners, and here they are:

1. Midoryia and Todoroki

2. Bakugou and Kirishima

3. Denki and Tokoyami

4. Uraraka and Tsuyu

5. Koda and Sato

6. Shoji and Ojirou

7. Jirou and Momo

8. Mina and Sero and Hagakure 

9. Iida and Aoyama

10. Mineta and punching bag (sense he needs training)

There are 3 people in group 8 because Mr. Aizawa doesn't trust Mineta around girls and all the boys already have a match. We all start to train with our assigned partners, and me and Momo start to fight. While the training is going on she accidently hit me on the stomach with a pipe not to hard though. " EEK! I-I-I'm so sorry Jirou I-" she stutters to me. "Momo It's fine!" I reply as I get back up and get back into fighting stance. She seems a bit hesitant to attack again and I reassure her I'm fine, I don't think she believes me because she didn't attack until Mr. Aizawa told us to continue, and so we did. Training ended after about 45 minutes to 1 hour and we got dressed and went to out 2nd class. English with Present Mic, of course not everyone went to the same class but about 10 of us were in the same class. Todoroki, Me, Momo, Hagakure, Sero, Sato, Uraraka, Iida, Denki and Ojirou all went to Present Mic's class. The rest were split into 2 groups and 1 group went to Cementoss's class and the others went to Midnight's class. 

Present Mic's class was the same just like before, loud af, boring and left  with bleeding ears after. But that was only for me and my sensitive ears, I found thunder storms unsettling but no one ever knew since I didn't really talk about my feelings. I never really thought about how to talk about my feelings, and I didn't really care for them either but I never complained. After Present Mic's class he was louder than usual so I had to clean up my ears after silent suffering of 1 hour, I sigh in the bathroom as Mina opens the door to the bathroom and see's me cleaning my ears.

 "Hey Jirou what are you doing here? And why are you dabbing your ears with a *GASP!*" Her sentence stops midway as she see's my bleeding ears, she took a rag and started to help me and didn't make much conversation. After we went on to lunch and sat with the rest of our friends, today I was quiet more than usual and even I didn't know why. I was just quiet and I don't eat much either. I find myself not getting sleeping and nothing on my mind. 

I sigh as I poke around at my food messing with it as Midoriya ask "Hey Jirou are you ok? You were quiet for most of the school day" I didn't even hear him the first 7 times even though I was looking straight at him, I wasn't zoned out and I was looking at everyone as his mouth was moving. But I still couldn't hear him.

My head tilted as if asking "What?" They all look at each other until Mina spun me around to loo at her and signed "Can you hear me" I didn't responded so she did it again and after finally getting it I answered no. Momo dragged me to recovery girls room and she told her nothing was wrong, we went back with me still unknowing what was going on and we sat down, Momo was talking to them until I started to hear her voice again and I said "But I can hear fine now." They all looked at me in a look of relief and continued to eat their food. This happened quite a few times about 4/7 days a week and everyone was getting worried. I shrug it off all the time and pay no attention to it.

One day while I was in my dorm on a weekend, Bakugou entered my dorm and sat on my bad and said "Alright I don't care if I'm not allowed in hear but what's going on?" I shrug and reply "I don't even know myself sir." "Tch.." After about 5 minutes of silences he gets up and starts to walk out of my room and when he reaches the door he says "Oi pipsqueak, be careful with your hearing. It's getting damaged..." And with that said he closed my dorm door and walked down the hall...


Words count: 975 (for the story above)

Ello guys nothing much to say just enjoy the next chapter! 

(Date written: 12/6/21)


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