Chapter 4: M-Momo...?

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Hi everyone I bet yall are wondering: Ok so Momo knew about the attack but that doesn't give us an answer why she was running home so early and acting off. Well here im not gonna tell you (or am I...) but here's the next chapter!


-angsty things idk


-self harm


Jirou's POV

I look up at her and she walks back behind Toga and Dabi, At this point it looks like I don't even care but I do. My eyes are empty from the bullying and abuse but I shake it off and look back at Momo, she looks away which makes my heart sink with fear. Toga giggles and says "Awww what's wrong you want Momo back? HAHAHA! Well to bad she is now our mai-" Dabi puts his hand over her mouth but I heard enough. I look at Momo's eyes they are purple..? I then realize they are controlling her over her own will, my earjacks drag Momo closer to me and I stare deep down into her eyes to see fear and shame.

 She's still in there, that's good I sigh and let her go. She stumbles back surprised and kinda happy I saw that, she huffs in pretend anger and leaves the room. But not before looking at me with a look saying "Please help" and her eyes turn back to normal for a split second insuring me she's faking. I look back and Dabi and Toga who are arguing and I let out a puff of air as they look back at me blinking. I roll my eyes and close them trying to rest for a while, they wake me up with a cut on the cheek with a knife. 

I wince from the cut and look at them with rage filling my eyes. My eyes stay wide awake until they tell me I can sleep.  In the middle of the night I hear a scream and wake up boltly and hear another, it's Momo... I struggle to get the ropes around me lose to help her but it only helps a bit, her screams get louder as if she's truly dying. My earjacks cut the ropes and I run toward the screams, I open the door to see Shigaraki slicing Momo's arms with a knife. She has defiantly been figured out, I run over and pick her up. I jump out a window and start running toward U.A I pay no mind to the fact if I turn around I will know where their base is. I just wanna get Momo home safe and in time to recovery girl to heal her. At this point I don't even care about myself harm anymore and ignore the pain in my legs as I'm running, and it doesn't seem as if they are following me. I get to the gates a security thing comes on ad the voice of aizawa says "Show me your ID card its dark and I can't see you.." 

uLckily my card is in my pocket because I show him it and he gasped, the gates open and he runs out with a flashlight and see's Momo in my arms glaring at me in pain. He see's my scars and takes us inside very quickly, he starts asking me questions which I make no answer to since I can't breathe after running 2 miles non-stop to get hear. My lungs hurt my head is spinning and I can't focus on anything but Momo. I can feel my eyes dilate as Nezu walks into the room with Medication, My breathing is getting heavier and the last thing I see before I pass out if Momo's worried face. 

I wake up to my alarm going off and I get dressed and head to class, I sit down and notice Momo's scared face. No one notices at all so when I am about to ask what's wrong she says nothing, I sigh and sit down. During lunch I hear Momo and Todroki having a conversation, I decide to be nosey and listen and I wish I didn't.

 "Momo... when are we gonna tell her?"
"W-we can't she loves her too much.."

"I know but it's not fair that we knoe and she doesn't, that's her sister not ours."

"I know Todoroki-kun but it would break her heart.."

"She has to get over it sometimes, everyone dies""

"I know but it's her sister who dies, the only one who keeps her sane..."

"Fine, if you won't I will-"
"NO! I'll do it tomorrow.."

Todoroki nods his head and they walk off to get lunch. I stand there tears filling my eyes with regret, my face darkens and I wish I never stood there. Instead of going to lunch I run to my room and  lay on my bed. I sob uncontroablty and Mina walks into my about tp speak but she stops and see's me hitting my fist against the wall screaming "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! GOD FAMMIT JIROU! UGH, IF YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR HER... FUCKKK!" I scream at the top of my lungs as my legs and arms lose feeling from pain, my knuckles are bleeding and I'm crying from pain and hurt. (Idk yall it's 3 don't come at me) I slide down my wall not even noticing all the 1-A girls at my door, my hands cover my head still bleeding "F-fuck.. you useless son of bitch jirou. You fucking bitch, you asshole, you you... UGH JUST FUCK YOU!" 

I scream while banging my head against the wall until I'm bleeding. The girls are paralyzed and can't move at all but they wish they could, the buys hear banging and run over to the dorm Kirishima comes up to me and stops myself from banging my head even more while the rest are trying to wake up the girls. Momo and Tsu had to go to recovery girl's office due to them fainting while standing up. The next day I don't bother to move, I didn't tell anyone at all but that day was the day I was needed most and I didn't know. But I still went, I got to class and walked up to Momo who looked more sad than usually.

 When I approached her her eyes were empty and tired, I shook her awake and soon she came back to reality, "O-oh! Hey jirou are you alright?" She asked "Y-yeah I'm ok but are you? You don't black out like that..." She looks around the room and replies "Wait, when did I get to schoo- UHH NEVERMIND HAHA!" I looked at her worried but walk to my desk, I look back at her during class and realize she's not paying attention "PSST! hey momo pay attention..!" I quietly yell at her. She snaps back and nods. Its been a week and Momo and I have been more quiet than usually. They all know why I have but they just can't figure Momo out. Hmm maybe soon she will tell us. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word count: 1163 (For the story above)

Date written: 12/13/21

Hey yall hope you enjoyed the chapter plz enjoy the next!




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