Chapter 6: My Hearts Pounding

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Hello tiny readers a.k.a Kawais! I hope you are having a nice day, sorry that this book is taking so long to be finished. Anyhow enjoy the chapter of the two Lesbians simping UwU


Momo's POV

I sit in my dorm room thinking about school and what I can do to Improve my grades better, I've been getting sidetracked and my grades are going down. I sigh and remember I have to help Mina, Kaminari and Sero with their work, I jump off my bed and get dressed. I run into the main room and they all are waiting and talking, I apologize for being late and I start to tutor them. Not long after Jirou walks into the room and she's wrapped up in a cover, she yawns and waves to me " Good Morning Momo, Mina, Kaminari and Sero." We all wave back and as she leaves I don't realize until Mina taps my shoulder that I was looking at her walk to the kitchen. I squeak at the sudden touch and swing towards Mina as fast as a mouse running from a cat, I sigh in relief and say sorry and we keep talking. It's been an hour and they are all good for the day, I make sure the place is clean before I leave. As I'm cleaning Jirou comes behind me and calls my name "Momo?" "EEP!" I jump backwards causing my back to crash into Jirous stomach, we fall backwards and as I'm falling I turn around towards her and accidently falls on top of her. I open my eyes to see Jirou's eyes, "AHH!" I scream and jump off Jirou. "S-sorry about that Jirou, It's just that y-you startled me." I apologize. "N-no It's fine, sorry for sneaking up on you like that haha." Jirou replies as she waves her hands in a reassuring jester. We both get up and she helps me with the books that dropped off the table, as we are cleaning I feel heat rising up to my cheeks. My brain is screaming at me saying "MA'AM JIROU IS NEXT TO YOU!" as if I don't realize, I get up and thank Jirou for the help. I receive a smile from the girl, I see a little red on her face but don't pay attention.

(HUGE time skip brought to you by Bakugou's singing (~ ̄▽ ̄)~)

It's been about a month and over time I realize change in Jirou's attitude towards me, to others she's cold and dark but to me it seems like she's more open and fun. I enjoy the company she gives me and the support, of course I still help her from the loss of her sister. It turns out, someone in our class or class 1-B switched my test with theirs. I don't even know how they got rid of the pen ink but whoever did it, I now hate them. (It's not Jirou I'll tell you that) I go home shaking and shivering and as I'm talking with the others, the fear in my voice keeps getting more shaky and at the end of the day I'm pretty sure it looks like I'm about to get stabbed with a knife, and I probably am... I gulp as I open the door, and I see my dad waiting on the couch holding up my test paper. (Not mines by the way...)

 I shake and tears stream down my face as he walks over to me, he closes and locks the door behind me and at this point I can't breathe, I give up running and screaming and accept what's going to happen. He pushes me down and drags me by  hair up to my room, I'm a little glad because the maids of the house are working today and may be able to help. I start to panic when I realize it's 2 and by this time they are outside working on the garden, he throws me onto the floor and starts to kick and punch me. By this point I don't even curl up in a ball, I think he as mad at someone before this because it hurts way to bad just for it to be me. I struggle to not yell because he will become more angry, he punches me in the neck and before long I realize I can't breathe. 

I yell in small pitches as I grab my throat trying to push the blood out, he picks me up by the neck and straggles me more than before. I cough and yelp for someone to help, but no one can hear me. I see dark red liquid cloud my eye sight after he launches me toward the wall, my head hit the wall first and I close my eyes begging for an end. He stopped after 8 minutes and I'm a little confused by the fact that I never passed out or any of my bones broke, I groan in pain and he leaves my room. I turn around and hear what seems to be a climbing sound, I look at my window and a figure with purple like hair is at the window. They open the window and carry me out the room, I don't even question how she was climbing back down with me in her arms. As soon as she touches the ground I hear my dad yell after Jirou, I jumped out of her arms and made a wooden bat as quickly as possible. 

As he got closer the bat was finished and I lunged back at him knocking the bat on the side of his head, he passed out due to friction and Jirou picked me back up. I panted in pain as she ran back to UA, the gates opened and she ran with me in her arms. She soon reached the teachers lunge with all teachers including Recovery girl, Midnight, All Might, Present Mic and the rest inside, she banged on the door and Midnight got up fast and opened the door. "AHH!" she yelled, Aizawa rushed over and saw me in Jirou's arms with blood running down my face. Recovery girl took me in her office and Aizawa left to talk with Jirou, I refused to go to sleep until I was reassured that Jirou wasn't going to be sent home. And it wasn't because I wanted her to be with me, It was because I knew that she would be up all night stressed and not sleeping. Soon after they gave up and Midnight put me to sleep with her quirk. I woke up to a bright light and a figure in front of me, my eyes adjusted to the room's brightness and I saw Jirou "HUH- JIROU!!" I yelled taking her in my arms with a hug, she hugged back and when she backed up she looked very tired. "8Sigh* Jirou how much sleep did you get?' I asked in a slightly angry voice "I umm- 5..? 2..." She replies. I frown at her but than smile. I take her in my arms again pulling her onto the bed with me, she is tense but then relaxes in the warmth of my arms. I can feel her smile a bit than she stuffs her face into my neck and slowly drifts to sleep.

Jirou's POV

I stuff my face into Momo's neck as I slightly blush trying to control it, I start to drift to sleep in her arms but not before saying

"H-hey Momo...?"

"Yes Jirou?'

"I-I Love You..."



HELLO EVERYONE! I won't do much but all I gotta say is:



Date Written: 12/21/21 

Word Count: Idk I forgot and before I wrote this I didn't look, I do know it's in the thousands :3

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