Mask (part 3)

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《I'M SO HAPPY SOMEONE REAUESTED A PART 3 😫😫!!! Thank you so much, remember who you are! You made my day♡》
《TWs; cursing, blood, skin carving,


"Terry, I strictly told you not to leave the house. Didn't I?"

The blonde boy sat on the couch, his head turned from Dream. He didnt want to see the smile mask and imagine the face of disappointment he was making.

"Answer me, Thomas. Didn't I?"

Terry nodded and looked down, holding back his fear of Dream yelling at him.

"Next time, it's a verbal answer. But I must teach you for disobeying my order after I told you countless times."

Dream started to walk away, disappearing down the hall.

"Come here."

Terry stood up and shuffled down the hall, he noticed the basement door was open. "The basement."

Terry slowly creeped down the stairs, covering his nose with his sleeve as he descended. His eyes started to water, it smelt like burnt hair and old burnt toast. And rotten corpses aswell.


Once Terry reached the bottom, he was forced into a chair. It was a medical chair, he must've found it in an old dumpster or abandoned hospital.

"Terry, can you tell me what you did? And why you are being punished right now?"

Terry looked at his feet, he was trembling. "I-...I disobeyed your order. I left the house and opened the door when I was strictly told not to, multiple times."

Dream nodded, Terry could hear him snicker behind his mask. "Good. Your punishment will be extreme, but only to teach you to never disobey again."

Terry shook more, he nodded and gripped the arm rests by his sides.

"Take your hoodie off. It'll be easier to deliver the punishment."

The younger nodded, slowly slipping his hoodie over his head. What was Dream going to do, Terry questioned himself.

He never should have opened the door. He told himself not to, yet he went back on his instinct. Always trust your gut.

I heard the shing of a knife being pulled from a knife holder. I could feel the jagged edges clawing at my skin, slightly pulling some with how sharp it was.

"'I will never disobey Dream.'." Tommy sat there, confused.

But as soon as he felt the knife's tip dig into his sensitive skin, he knew automatically what was happening.

He yelped in pain and shock, leaning forward on instinct. He felt Dream's hands tangle in his hair, pulling his body back.

"Stay. Still."

Terry quivered under his gaze and nodded, staying still as Dream let go of his hair.

The taller continued to carve the words into his back, watching as the blood splattered slowly on the floor.

Terryy listened to the sounds of thick blood hitting the floor, loosing a part of himself with every cut and drip.


Terry laid silently on the floor, quickly loosing blood from his back. He shook in place, holding his sides as he laid on the cold floor.

"Let this be a lesson, Terry." Dream dropped the knife next to his face, making him flinch.

"Don't disobey me again."


"Dream.." Terry walked up to his older 'brother' and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around with a silent 'hmm?'.

"Can I...go hang out with Tubbo and Ranboo?"

Dream stopped a moment, he was lost in thought. "Just wear your mask, and do not take it off. You'll be punished."

Terry nodded and slid his mask on. He looked at Dream for approval, who nodded.

"Just dont do anything bad. I'll come pick you up tonight."


Terry sat on the couch in the mansion, looking up at the chandelier. It shone bright and sparked with the slight breeze that seeped through the cracked windows and doors.

They were currently making lunch for them all. Terry asked if they needed help, but they politely declined.

"Hello Micheal." Terry held his hand out for the younger to climb on the couch, which he gladly accepted.

"Mommy!" Terry looked at him, and then slightly turned his head left and right.

He lifted his mask to show his scars and dark bottom ocean eyes. They used to be this beautiful ocean ice type blue, but since exile and all the wars- it's changed.

He's lost emotion since then, but that's in the past. Terry gave him a small wink before sliding his mask back on.

"Let's eat!" Tubbo called from the kitchen.

"Race you." Micheal jumped off the couch and darted for the kitchen entrance, Terry close behind.

《I finished part threeeeee! I'm so sorry it sucks ass, but I tried! I hope you enjoy!》

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