Maybe I'll grow out of it

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(I was just listening to the song Art Is Dead, I recommend it lol. I got the title from the last line of the song)
(TW; self harm, nicotine use(used by a minor, it's illegal fer a minor to possess nicotine where I'm from), and cursing)


I sighed shakily and looked outside my window. I watched as my friends and family played in the snow. I had just 'woken up'.

Turning to the kitchen, I decided to grab a Coke instead. It was like an addiction for me. Less of an addiction than my cigarettes that I get from the corner store though.

Popping it open, I took a long swig and shook my head back and forth. It burned so good. My sleeve fell slightly as I lifted my arm to take another sip, though I soon spit it out as someone busted through the door.

I covered my littered wrist and coughed hysterically, trying not to hyperventilate.

"Tommy's awake!" I looked up and saw Tubbo in the doorway, turning to look at the people outside.

"Get him out here!" I heard Wilbur call out to the smaller. In all honesty, I didnt want to go out there.

I already felt cold enough inside, how would I feel outside?

I shivered and clutched my forearms, shaking my head and chuckling. Though hes almost caught me so many times, I had to forgive him. He didnt know, so I couldnt have any hard feelings.

He started to push me into my room, telling me to get dressed in warm clothes. "T-Tubbo, I dont really feel well right now."

I wanted to convince him to not make me go outside. Though, I did need to go buy some 'stuff'.

Second thoughting it, I sighed. He looked at me, confused. "Fine, I'll go outside. I just need to go buy some snacks, okay?"

He nodded happily and rushed outside, saying that I would be coming out.


I pushed passed the couple in the alley way making out, I heard the slobber rush as they smashed their lips together. I shuddered and sped up.

Opening the door, the over head bell chimed. "Ah, my favorite customer!"

I chuckled as Benny, (random character), threw his hands in the air. "Hey, Big B, you know what I'm here for." He smiled and turned to the cabinet, getting my stuff.

"And that'll beeee.. $9.99, please." He handed me the packs as I handed him the money.

The door-bell chimed, signaling that someone else came in. "Hello lads, never seen you guys before." Ben waved and smiled. "We got liquor, alcohol, anything a grownup could imagine."

Being the curious raccoon I am, I turned my head. Soon to my utter displeasure. Phil, Tubbo, Wilbur and Techno stood in the door way.

I watched as Phil tapped his foot repeatedly on the tiled ground, Benny chuckled in discomfort and took the cigarette packs from my hand, handing me back the money and putting them away.

"Tomathy Minecraft, you will explain." I shrunk down and nodded, waving to Benny as we passed by.

He mouthed an 'I'm sorry', I chuckled and shook my head, soon removing the smile with a frown.


We set foot in the house and removed most of the warm clothing, sitting down in the loving room. Phil, Wilbur and Techno stood in front of the fireplace, Tubbo sat in a chair next to the coffee table.

"Explain." Phil glared daggers in my direction, I was at a loss for words currently.

"I.. what- sorry." I shut my mouth and spoke quietly.

"Hm?" Wilbur spoke up, Techno put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dont pressure him, hes stressed enough." I mentally thanked him, telling myself I'd have to repay him later.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to tell them what's been happening recently in my life.


They stood in shock as I finished my story, tears were spewing out of my eyes like waterfalls. I heard slight shuffling, though no hits or hugs came.

I looked up and saw Techno in tears. Snot was dripping from his nose, Phil noticed my confused expression and turned to where I was looking, he comforted Techno.

Though Techno pushed him away and jumped towards me, pulling me into a tight embrace. "Never do that shit again, nevernevernevernever."

I nodded and sniffed, more tears ran down my cheeks. Though I smiled once the other three decided to join in.

Smiling again, I soon drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

HUUUUUU another chapter today hoes✌🏻
Anyways hope you enjoy this, if you see this request plz😭

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