Sent to the Past (part 2)

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《Hi! I don't remember who wanted a part two, but here you go! Enjoy!》
《TWs; death by drowning》


Wiping tears from my eyes, I stood up. Slowly wobbling to my front door, I noticed it was night time.

Fireflies littered the skies, they looked like stars up close. I closed my door and locked it, I dont want anybody stealing my non-valuable items.

I started along the Prime path, though finding myself at the beach.

The beach reminds me of when I was in exile, though much more calming and brighter. The moon was clear, it illuminated anything it came into contact with.

I bore deeply into the ocean, thinking about what it was like to be one with the sea. It was nice to feel like one with the birds, when Dream gave me his trident that one time.

I felt so at peace then, as if Dream actually liked me and didnt use me as a pawn. But he never liked me, did he? Just a hoax.

Just like Nikki and Jack. I knew they tried to kill me, maybe I didnt know at that time, but I knew. I can see why they wanted to, I've done so much horrible shit.

Maybe if I went back far enough I'd be able to change the future of this country. Maybe Wilbur would still be alive, and not rotting in hell.

"Do you think I'd be able to change the future?"


Tommy stood up slowly, taking his blue wool cardigan off. He had a secret pocket in the back, which consisted of his discs and pictures of Tubbo.

He laid them flatly on the cardigan, pulling the compass that had the chicken scratched words 'Your Tubbo' with a red arrow pointing towards his location. He pulled his green bandana from his pocket aswell, softly placing it on the array of things.

He didnt wear shoes, so his feet stood buried in the cold sand. Though it was warmed by him standing there so long, he took his white bandana off and softly placed it on top of everything else, alongside his green emerald SBI earring.

He took some steps back and turned around, facing the sound of the ocean waves crashing against eroded mossy rocks.

He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, smiling at the thought of watching his friends from above play and live their lives happily.

He started his walk towards the ocean, dipping his feet in first. The water was cold, and untouched. They dont go into the ocean often, it's not like they have time for it.


He sharply turned his head, Captain Puffy was on the elevated sidewalk.

"Oh, hey Puffy."

"Hello Tommy, what are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to dip my feet. Thought it would be relaxing."

"Oh, alright. Are you still coming to the therapy tomorrow?"

He nodded his head and waved her goodbye, watching her walk away.

He sighed and looked back at the ocean, taking in another deep breath.

Taking more steps into the ocean, he felt a wave of cold run down his spine. But not in the bad way, a comforting type of cold.

He wanted to stay there forever, he slowly dunked his head and let his breath out, letting the shock of the comforting coolness take effect.

He had managed to find himself at the deep part of the ocean, but not the deepest.

As the final bit of control was taken away, he saw the sun start to rise. And as he wished his friends and family a happy end, he knew this definitely wasnt an end.

《Hii, sorry this is shit. It's very short. But I hope you enjoyed! :)》

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