Warrior ch.7

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That next morning tk woke up in pain to say the least the sedative had worn off so it was all just him he saw Carlos sleeping on the chair next to his bed

"Los." Tk said trying to wake him up "los hey .." tk said as Carlos opened his eyes " hey tiger how you feeling any pain ?" Carlos said sitting up "I'm good come here .." tk would be lying saying he's good but he didn't want to worry Carlos so he just slid over

Carlos said next to tk on his bed as tk laid his head on Carlos's shoulder wrapping his arms around Carlos's arm "I'm sorry I put you through this .."tk mumbled " bebé, no tienes que arrepentirte.." Carlos said noticing tk had fallen back to sleep Owen walked into the room seeing the two "is he okay ?" Owen said in the doorway

" yeah he's just tired but he'll be okay .." Carlos said
" take good care of my boy Carlos he's a special one .." Owen said "I will trust me.." Carlos said kissing Tk's head Owen loved his son he always kicks himself for not being there for most of his childhood he's the two were close they had a very open honest relationship but Owen was glad that tk had found someone who loved his boy like he did even more

Later that night Carlos drove tk home "does you chest hurt ?" Carlos noticed Tk biting his lip "a little .." tk admitted " you can tell me if it hurts you know I just wanna make you feel better .." Carlos said pulling into the house "you shouldn't have to do anything I put you though hell the past few days I should be helping you .." tk said " nonsense Cmon let get you inside and comfortable." Carlos said opening Tk's car door " do you need my help or are you okay ?" Carlos asked "help ..please ." Tk said

Carlos was told by the doctors that any movement tk would make could hurt either a little or a lot and that he could faint or get lightheaded at any given time as his blood is getting used to circulating over the next two weeks but he knew tk never liked to admit that he needed help even when he did so that was a sign that it hurt really bad Carlos lifted his arm under tk supporting him tk let out a little wine as they went up the steps " we're almost there baby I promise." Carlos said as he opened the front door

A few hours later carlos sat on the couch with tk laying on his lap "baby can I talk to you about something.." Carlos said as Tk's looked up at him " hm?" Tk said sitting up on the couch he saw tears start to fill his eyes tk ran his thumb under Carlos's eyes " don't cry.." tk said in a soothing tone trying to comfort Carlos "I left you for 5 minutes .. and you were on the verge -" Carlos said " come here ." Tk said opening his arms for Carlos to lay down Carlos laid down as tk stroked his curls "I've come to terms that your gonna get hurt .. but tk this is your heart .." Carlos said looking up at tk " I know but I'm okay now ..." tk said stroking Carlos cheeks wiping the tears off " but what if it happens again and they can't fix it ?" Carlos said "they set me up with doctors appointments every few months to make sure it doesn't happen again ." Tk said " I'm sorry I sound so over protective.." Carlos said sitting up "I like it makes me feel loved." Tk smiled making Carlos blush " Cmon let's change your bandage and then head to bed .." Carlos said " please not now .." tk begged reminding himself of the pain from the night before when the nurse changed it " I know it hurts I'll be gentle now hoodie off ." Carlos said looking at tk he finally got the hoodie off leaving Carlos to take the wrap off causing tk extreme pain she let out a big whine and barley even realized he was holding his breath " shh I'm so sorry okay .." Carlos said lifting Tk's up so his eyes met Carlos's to nodded his head bad Carlos finished wrapping it " all done .." Carlos said " you did so good sweetheart." Carlos said kissing Tk's forehead that night tk found himself laying in bed at 3 am still no sleep he looked over to Carlos seeing was fast asleep tk couldn't get comfortable every way he laid he hurt even more tk got out of bed he felt light headed he was tired and he was in pain he walked downy and landed in the couch with a blanket in hopes that Carlos could at least get some sleep after the hell he just put him through

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