~Chapter 1: Uzi~

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"I completed The Legend of Zelda yesterday."

"Really? Which one?"

"Breath of the Wild. Let me tell ya, it isn't easy to fight a huge pig that just so happens to be a god!"

N laughed. That laugh that you admire so much.

Ever since you became a murder drone, you and N had never went on a mission without each other. J had currently sent you both on a quest, and you and N were flying and trying to find worker robots to kill.

"I've always wondered what's in there." N pointed at a huge building. This huge building in specific, was made with huge doors. None of the team members had ever gotten through, no matter how many times they tried.

"So have I. V really wants to get in, but you know her, she always wants to murder!" You chuckled.

You and N flew in to a small cave full of robot body parts to feast on for survival. When a mission was unsuccessful, that's what you always did. 

N landed on the small spacecraft that neither of you knew much about. He grabbed a robot head, and tossed it to you, saying "think fast". 

You caught it, and started drinking some leftover oil inside of it.

N tried to look for something he could drink from. He found a few more heads, but they didn't have any more oil left in them. He crushed all of the body parts that were no longer able for use.

Suddenly, you heard some rustling.

"N!" You hissed, catching his attention. "Did you hear that?" 

"Hear what?" He replied.

Another rustling sound was heard. N looked around, trying to find the cause of it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a piece of glass, showing his reflection. He noticed that the piece of glass was being held by a hand. 

"(Y/N)! A worker drone!"

As soon as you turned around, you saw a small, female purple-haired robot. Without hesitation, N charged straight at her. You had no choice but to help him kill her.

She grabbed a small powerbank that she seemed to have found on the floor, and stuffed it in to a gun she was holding. N knocked her over, sending both her and her gun flying.

The gun landed at your feet. You took a few moments to examine it's high-tech features. You then looked over at the girl, who had gotten stabbed in the hand by N's syringe. 'I wonder if she made this...' you wondered.

N threw her to the floor, making her land beside you. Before you could act, she hammered her fist against your kneecap, making you yelp and hold your knee in pain.

She quickly grabbed her gun, and just as N was targeting her for a shot, she got to him first. She pressed the trigger, and out came a blinding beam of green.

You shaded your eyes from the view, until it disappeared. N's headless body fell to the floor. You rolled your eyes.

"Hah! Suck on that, dad!" The girl exclaimed. You looked over at her. She looked back up at you, and realised what she had done.

"Sorry for decapitating your friend-" she said.

"It's alright. He'll regenerate." 

"He will?" 

That was when N decided to make his comeback. His head came back. His system was buffering, although.

The girl grabbed the nearest robotic arm, ran up to him, and slapped him dead across the face, making his system go back to normal.

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