~Chapter 9: Absolutely Solving~

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As fast as their little robotic legs could take, the three drones ran down the hallways, Uzi with her railgun, and the two Serial Designations with their chainsaw hands.

They turned a corner, before coming to a halt. They met with a hologram. Surely enough, it resembled Thad.

He screamed, as if something were about to hurt him. Uzi inched closer, wanting to help him, but then he disappeared.

A moment or two later, he was standing again. He raised his hands in the air, as if to greet the world.

"Yes, and, hello, it's me! Thad! Um...can I get a location?" 

Uzi, N and (Y/N) looked at one another, all on the same level of confusion.

"I heard dentist's office! I'm...Thad at the dentist's office! Come over here for your...teeth!"

Uzi flicked a trigger on her gun, making it begin to charge up. "Predictably terrible work, J," she rolled her eyes as she pointed it at Thad's hologram. 

(Y/N) snickered a bit, a random snidey comment coming to their mind that they knew would certainly piss J off. "Why do you look so-"

"Great!! You look great, J!" N cut them off, glaring down at them. They stared back at him in disappointment. 

Uzi aimed the tip of her railgun straight at the hologram, making 'Thad' stammer, and take a few steps back.

"Wait, guys, it's really me!" 

"...is that a freaking ninja star...?"

N, processing the situation faster than usual, threw the ninja star. (Y/N) ran after it, only to jump up and kick it, giving it more power and speed as it charged at the hologram.

It went straight through it. It took a turn in to the ceiling, and then suddenly, a body crashed to the ground.

Thad sighed of relief. "Lifesavers, again!"

(Y/N) smiled, proud of their little deed. They gave Uzi a fist bump.

N stared at them. It took a moment or two for them to realise that he was supposedly blushing.

They chuckled. "Cool, wasn't it, buddy? I didn't even know I could do that."

N laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Heh, y-yeah! G-good job, (Y/N)!!"

(Y/N) smiled wider.

Thad stood up, beaming at his three guardian angels. "You guys are SUPER invited to my shindig next weekend!!"

He pointed accusingly at the robotic centipede-like thing that had taken him. "Cool kids only."

It opened it's claw at him, trying to threaten him. He raised a fist, showing that it wasn't working. It flinched back a bit, and he ran off, safe for now.

N and (Y/N) both looked at Uzi. All three of them started squealing like a bunch of high school girls after one of them gets asked out by their crush.

"We're busy then, anyway. So whatever. So lame." a large number of CCTV-like devices suddenly appeared. They had a yellow shine inside them, with black and yellow patterns along their sides.

This, they all realised, must be the so called 'Absolute Solver'.

(Y/N) scowled. "What's with the voice, J?"

"Oh, J's not here. We are trying to repair that host as per our directive." the computer-y voice replied, projecting an image of J's body. Currently, it did not have a head.

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