~Chapter 7: Meanwhile, with Doorman~

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"hmmm...just fix her up, cuz, whoops! Pretty big security risk in hindsight! Eh, you got this uhh...LadderBot 5,000?"

"Ugh, PLEASE just leave the light."

The request was not obliged. They sighed.

From their case, they took out a flashlight. They examined their surroundings, being especially interested in what was above them.

Suddenly, they heard a clanging noise.

Instantly, they searched for where it came from. Following it, more sounds sounding just like it came along.

They shone the light over the corpse.

It was gone.

They spotted something else in the mere distance. Slowly yet surely, they began to approach it, keeping the light fixated on it with every step they took.

They got closer. What they saw almost made them feel like throwing up.

Bones. Heart. Beating Heart.

Wait a second, beating heart?

It was pulsing with electricity. It was moving.

Suddenly, it lunged itself out of what was supposedly the bare ribcage.

Before they could calculate what exactly had just happened, a powerful shockwave came from it. They yelped out of terror, dropping their flashlight.

Alarm sirens went off. Nothing was explainable at this point. 

It had claws. It was tall. It had no good intentions.

They shrieked again. That was their finale.


"Mr Doorman, your daughter has been, uh...absent."

Khan took a seat. Parent and teacher conferences were something he loathed.

"Yes...all that 'kill all humans' kick, like when I was younger! Grounded herself, and all that." He leaned back in his chair, trying to seem pretty neutral.

"...speaking on her behaviour..." the teacher began.

"of course, of course! Precocious, popular, supernatural understanding of doors! Takes after her old man..." he cut right through him. The teacher tapped his fingers on his desk, thinking back to some rather iconic moments that Uzi has had.

"Yeah...she has trouble fitting in. We think there might be something damaged with her programming- how- how is she at home?"

Khan was a bit surprised. His daughter was perfectly normal and fine, he personally thought. He stammered a bit, before replying. 

"uh, s-sorry? I mean, she's a LITTLE...'herself', but damaged?" He stopped for a second. "I-I maybe haven't spent much time, but, eh-"

"mmmhm..." teacher mumbled, taking something down on a scrap of paper.

The door of the classroom opened, and there stood a female brunette. "Mr Doorman, sir? There's been an...incident."



"LadderBot 5,000! We looked everywhere for you!!"

They glitched a bit. They made a bit of a shrieking noise. Then, they stood up straight, like a normal robot.

"Hello, Tim! Care to join me?" They offered.

"Join you...standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?"


They frowned for a moment, pondering, before quickly coming to a conclusion...


They began to stroll over to who they considered a colleague, or maybe even a friend.

With a snap of the fingers, they were taken.

It stabbed in to them, making them grunt. It took them up in to the space in the ceiling. They tried to hold on to the frame of the space to prevent themself from getting dragged in, but to no avail.

Then their oil spilled from the ceiling.

The thing that had just mercilessly slaughtered them poked out from the hole in the ceiling. It projected a hologram of the individual it had just killed beside their colleague.

"Flawless character acting, me!"

"Improv game for more practise?"

"Hahaha! We ARE a monster!"


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