~Chapter 2: Behind the Big Doors~

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"(Y/N)! N! There's a worker drone out there, running for her life! I wanna make her in to a balloon animal!!!" V cackled, landing outside the spacecraft with a thud.

You and N both looked at each other. "Uzi..." you both said in unison.

"(Y/N) and N! Come out here immediately!!!" J's loud voice demanded. Your eyes widened. Looks like you and N were in trouble-

Hand in hand, the two of you exited the spacecraft, to face your leader and your sister.

"Were either of you aware of that worker drone's presence?" J asked you both.

You stayed silent. N wandered in to his robotic imagination, completely ignoring J.

J growled and stomped up to him. "His stupid system is fucking up again!!!" She complained. 

She smacked him dead across the face, making his system buffer. You gasped. "J!!! That was the second time he's been smacked today!!!" You snapped.

N started getting flashbacks. Flashbacks of when he was trying to kill Uzi, but his attempt ending up being a huge karma. He got flashbacks of becoming friendly with Uzi. He got flashbacks of the past 30 minutes of his life, until...

"I've screwed up!!!" He screeched, when his programming went back to normal. You, J and V stared at him in confusion.

He examined Uzi's footprints for a few moments, before turning to face the rest.

"I-um.... I'll see you later!"

Off he went, spreading his wings and lunging in to the air. You stood there, mouth open wide in awe. Why did he just... leave you there?

Although, J and V seemed more confused than you. V was holding a flag, pointing out how suspicious N's action was. You sighed. It made you wonder.... Why did N even leave?


Uzi ran and ran, as far as her short legs could take her. She was trying to get back to the WDF as fast as possible.

She felt like she was being followed. She kept looking behind her to see if her guess was correct, and luckily, the first few times, it wasn't.

Then, she heard a thump. She knew exactly what it was that was standing behind her...

She looked back, only to see N, with a wide Jeff the Killer smile and an 'X' over his eyescreen.

She tried to run faster, her breathing getting more shallow by the second. Although, she didn't care. Her only mindset was to lock the huge WDF doors to prevent any murder drones from getting in.

The doors flung open as soon as she reached her destination. With the gust of wind that came in, she had accidentally disturbed the WDF's card game. They groaned in annoyance.

Uzi scanned her member card multiple times, desperately trying to close the doors. Her heart was thumping harshly, and her hands were shaking.

Finally, the doors started to close over.

And then suddenly, they halted.

Uzi's heart almost stopped with fright. As she glanced over at the doors to investigate the cause of the halt, she saw the one thing she didn't want to see....

.....N's claws.

"Shit..." she mumbled to herself.

As N opened the doors, the employees of the WDF watched in horror. N smiled devilishly as he peeked inside.

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