~Chapter 10: One-Winged Angel~

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The way N came crashing in gave Jayden and V the vibe that something wasn't good.

As soon as they heard the flap of wings and the skidding of the disassembly drone's feet, they looked at each other knowingly. Jayden stood up from his seat, and looked out.

"He's got (Y/N) in his arms, V." Jayden said. "No sign of Uzi, weirdly..."

N burst through the entrance of the pod. "Quick!! I need something for them to lay on!!"

The tone in N's voice made Jayden panic. He rushed outside to retrieve something suitable. V stood up to get a closer look at their sibling.

"Did something happen?" she asked, remaining calm.

"Unfortunately, yes. But don't worry, I'm gonna check them out. It may not be as bad as we think." N reassured her. He was a lot more serious and focused than usual.

Jayden returned with a plank of wood, and went back out to bring in two crates for it to stand on. He set up the small table quickly. N thanked him, placing (Y/N) down carefully upon it.

Jayden returned to his seat, placing his hand on V's shoulder when he noticed the touch of distress in her expression.

N sighed, turning (Y/N)'s cold body over to examine their wound.

Jayden grimaced. V's jaw fell to the floor. "Their...their wing..." she exhaled. "...it's gone..."

N nodded, turning to her. "Do we have any bandages? Anything that can stop more oil from bleeding out, at least?"

"I have this." Jayden pulled out a mini first aid kit from his hoodie pocket. "I carry it around everywhere. I knew it would come in handy one day."

"Jayden," N said, taking it from him, "you're a lifesaver. Quite literally."

"Oh, well." Jayden chuckled, "I didn't do boy scouts for nothin'."

N opened up the small bag, gazing at the contents inside. Anti-septic wipes, a band-aid, and bandages. That's all he needed.

Placing the the bag and what remained in it to the side, he ripped open one of the packets of anti-septic wipes.

"This might sting a bit..." he whispered softly to his patient. "...I'll try my best to be gentle, okay?"

When the wipe came into contact with (Y/N)'s wound, they hissed a bit in their sleep. N instantly felt horrible, apologising repeatedly as he cleared up the oil covering the scar.

He sighed in relief, the hard part was done. V handed him the band-aid he had set aside for later use, and he thanked her. As gently as possible, he placed the plaster over the injury. The bleeding had now stopped, thank the heavens.

The last part was the bandaging. He picked up the roll of bandages he had taken from Jayden's first aid kit, and rolled out a reasonable length of it.

Carefully, he wrapped it over (Y/N)'s upper back, making sure to not wrap over their one remaining wing.

He leaned back. His work was done.

Yet he still felt bad. In fact, 'bad' is an understatement.

If he had reached them in time, protected them in time, this wouldn't have happened.

"Hey, man." Jayden came up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. They'll be fine. They aren't bleeding out anymore."

"Yes, that's the good thing," V breathed out shakily, "now, N, would you like to explain to me how the fuck my sibling got in this situation???"


"Absolute...solver?" Jayden repeated. "That sounds like some sort of therapy tool."

"Yeah, if therapy was meant to murder you brutally." N pointed out.

"I definitely heard J's name in that story..." V said.

"Oh yeah, the Solver was like, working on some sort of projection of J." N told her. "We originally thought that it WAS J, but we're not too sure now."

"J is the chick who got wrecked by Uzi, right?" Jayden asked. V and N nodded.

"Speaking of Uzi..." V cocked a brow. "Where is she?"

N went silent. 

"...I don't think she wants to talk to me, or any of us, at the moment."

Jayden and V frowned a bit.           

"Hm. I guess all that matters is Serial Designation (Y/N) is okay." V glanced over at her sibling's resting, bandaged body. "It may not seem like it, but I really care for them. They're my sibling, for pete's sake."

"Yeah, me too." N stared down at the floor.

"In a different sort of way." said Jayden.

N looked up at the male worker drone. "huh-?"

"We can all see it, buddy." Jayden rolled his eyes. "The way you look at each other, the way you speak to each other, the way that-"

"OKAY, OKAY-" N exclaimed, desperately wanting Jayden to shut up before he said too much. "Maybe, JUST MAYBE, there are times when I think about marrying (Y/N)- maybe even taking them out on dates and...well, kissing them-"

"You've said enough, ew." V's mouth curled in disgust. "I'm related to them, y'know-"

"I- I'm sorry- maybe I overshared just a little bit there-" N looked to the side, embarrassed. 

"I can give ya a few tips." Jayden offered.

"on...on what-"

"on flirting. Love language. Getting them to like you back. Rizz." Jayden smirked.

V just stared at him.

"...m-maybe later." N stuttered. "I need rest."

"yeah, I guess you're right." V sighed. She glanced down at the chain that was supposed to be attached to her. With the help of Jayden, they snapped it in half. She pushed the two parts closer to each other, so that it looked like she was still chained up.

N heaved himself up on to the wooden plank his best friend was resting on. Luckily, there was enough room for two.

For a few moments, he stared at their bandaging, his guilt returning.

"Alright, well...I'll go outside, then." Jayden said. "I'll see you guys soon, I guess."

He patted V's head, making her blush, before leaving.

N shuffled a bit closer to the unconscious (Y/N), wrapping his arm around their waist, spooning them gently.

He fluttered his eyes shut, letting out another deep sigh.

"I didn't want anything like this happening to you. Ever." He told them. "I'm sorry for failing you. I really am, (Y/N)."

He pulled them in closer, feeling their warmth. He found it quite calming and nice.

"Goodnight. And...I love you."

He closed his eyes once again, feeling the most peaceful that he'd felt in a long time...

"Ew. Gross." V commented.

N just sighed.


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