~Chapter 11: Uzi's Lament~

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Lights flickered. Darkness roamed. There was a spine-chilling eerie aura, not exactly how you'd want your prom night to be.

A female drone was running for her life, bumping into the walls as she panted in fear.

She came to a halt when all of a sudden, her spectacles shattered. She lifted them from her face to examine them, seeing the broken pieces of the lenses, making her panic more.

She took a look down the dark hallway in front of her, and just as the lights flickered once more, she spotted a figure.

She stared in confusion, placing her glasses upon her face once again as she noticed the red lighting forming around the CCTV. It flipped around instantly, away from any sight of what was about to happen.

The female's attention was brought back to the figure in the hallway, making her gasp in fright. From it's hand, formed the exact same lighting that was seen to flip around the CCTV. It shaped into a triangular-like shape.

The drone could suddenly feel her arm being pulled back, and within just a few seconds, she could feel something slicing through it, making it fall to the floor. She screamed in terror and agony.

The user of these unusual powers began to approach slowly, using their powers to create three butcher knives.

Before anything could be done, they fired them instantly at the innocent female drone.


Doll entered her dorm, placing her backpack to one side as she used her powers to place her books on her shelf. She took out a list, crossing an item on it.

"Я вернулся, мама, папа..."


(Y/N) sat up, groaning as their screen flickered. A pain soared through their back, making their breath sharpen.

"What the fuck...?"

"Morning, (Y/N)." Jayden said casually.

The disassembly drone jumped a bit at the sudden sound of the male's voice. They turned their gaze over to him, seeing that he and their sister were sitting across from each other, seemingly in the middle of a conversation.

They blinked a few times, before responding. "...Hi."

"How are you feeling?" V asked, with genuine concern in her tone.

"My back stings a bit, but that's all. Where's N and Uzi?" They responded, soon becoming aware of their best friend's absence. 

"Uzi didn't come back. N is gone out to get something." Jayden said, standing up. "You hungry?"

"I'm fine." (Y/N) replied. "Where's my nintendo, though?"


Uzi awoke, in the middle of the floor, distraught.

She glanced at her surroundings. Various pieces of paper were strung together all around her.

A specific one caught her eye. It was a drawing. It wasn't necessarily the most impressive illustration, but it was still heartwarming.

"thank you for being our friend" with three deformed stick people and a few drone heads laying around them. It was of course, done by N, with (Y/N) cashing in.

Uzi frowned, cringing at the thought of what she had done.

She was back in school. All she did was groan. Endless groaning, all day.

She was gathering her books from her locker, when she overheard a conversation between two of her schoolmates passing by.

"Can you imagine going to prom alone?"

"Hah! I'd be all like 'I don't deserve happiness'!"

The audacity of these two idiots pissed Uzi off, but she sighed it off. She went to retrieve the book she hurled across the hallway.

The posters of various missing students caught her eye. She examined them for a few seconds.

Her attention then switched to the worker drone cleaning up a puddle of oil.

Then, it hopped to the CCTV.

She stared at it blankly for a few moments, before suddenly, something clicked.

She began to cackle. Cackle evilly. She individually plucked the missing posters from the billboard.

She skipped mischievously into her dorm, continuing to laugh with her posters wrapped in her arms. She twirled over to her little threaded collection, only to find out...

...it was empty.

All of her sheets. All of her thread. It was gone.

Khan was flipping through them, concerned. He placed them on a shelf in a side-room, before closing the door and leaning up against him. The look of concern had not yet left his expression.

He cleared his throat, leaving the area as he whistled casually. In the corner, he noticed his daughter, head in hands, shaking. This made him gasp and jump back.

Uzi shot her head around suddenly, giving the most intimidating glare to her father.

"MY crazed ramblings!! STAY OUT of my FREAKIN' ROOM." she bellowed, walking toward him frantically.

Khan placed his hand on her shoulder. "Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanism isn't covered under a..." he pulled out a leaflet. "...non-optional family support structure."

"I'm sorry for being vulnerable for FIVE SECONDS, okay??" Uzi practically screamed, smacking the leaflet out of her father's hands. "You were never there for me...if you wanna help now, STAY DISTANT."

Khan frowned. 

"I'm going to talk to N and (Y/N)- WOAH-" the purple-haired drone stumbled over a dressed up skeleton. "whaaaaat is this?"

"Prom dress, child small!" Khan hit her back playfully. "You're grounded from seeing those bad influencing murder drones!"


"But I talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight!!" He exclaimed, earning another "huh?" from Uzi. He opened the door, only to reveal two of Uzi's classmates.

Remember Lizzy and Doll?

"Sup, freak." Lizzy remarked. "Prepare to be popular."

Khan jumped up in excitement. "I'm chaperoning!!"

Uzi screeched, right then and there. She hated this. She didn't want this. She didn't need this.


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