~Chapter 6: And So It Begins~

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"UGH, couldn't you be doing anything more productive, (Y/N)?" 

(Y/N) rolled their eyes at the sound of their sister's whiny voice. Uzi was investigating the space pod, and didn't need any of (Y/N)'s help, and so they thought it would be a good chance to play the latest Splatoon game.

V had been put in to a bit of a lockdown.

"Actually, V, this IS productive." They responded. "This story mode is sick."

"Yeah. I totally asked." V spat back.

"I'm not the one with a chain and collar on." (Y/N) looked up from their game for a split second to give V a smug smirk. V huffed, crossing her arms.

Uzi stood up for a second, looking at herself in the mirror. Her eye seemed to be taking a few different shapes. She jumped back a bit, frightened.

(Y/N) noticed this, their head tilting to the side.

V spun around on her chair. "That's weird and concerning."

"Bite me!!" Uzi blurted out. "This is probably you weirdo's fault!!"

(Y/N) tuned out for a second, for a bang was heard outside. (Y/N) looked out, only to see N's figure sprawled across the floor.

"Oh. He's awake."

"Great." Uzi said. "I have something to tell him."

Jayden's hysterical laugh was heard as N glared at him and walked up to the pod. He swooped in, and smiled.

"Hey, guys. Watcha find?"

Uzi bonked him on the head, as if he was stupid. "Did you know that was a pilot hat!?"

N's pupils increased.

"I was the pilot???" N practically screeched. He was obviously shocked. Of course he was unaware of something like this, he's N.

"My exact reaction!! Isn't that so cool?" (Y/N) exclaimed, 

N was mumbling to himself. Neither Uzi, V, nor (Y/N) could catch what he was saying.

"Spaceship pilot," N stood with pride, his hands on his hips. "Origin story."

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh. Their sister growled at him, making (Y/N) hit her at the back of the head. She soon switched her attention to blowing bubbles.

"...speaking of piloting to earth, are we sure 'murder all humans' is, eh...'morality'-?" N asked Uzi, who was messing with parts of the wiring.

"The humans sent you without a communication relay, and reformatted your memories to soup." Uzi replied, pointing the wire at the three disassembly drones in front of her. 

(Y/N) thought for a moment. Now that they think about it, they don't remember much of their human life. They looked over at V to see if she had the same thought, but really all she was doing was trying to like her bubble blower without being noticed.

Uzi placed a navigator of some sort down. "Covering their tracks means they're past negotiating," she grabbed a wrench. "not that they TRIED negotiating with my mom..."

"OR, they MISSED the negotiations!" V exclaimed, rising from her seat before anyone could say anything. The chains attached to her pulled her. Uzi stepped back a bit. "The humans programmed us to solve a problem, where's proof of your backstory?"

"V-" (Y/N) was cut off as V began to say more.

"The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent~!" she giggled a bit, making Uzi frown.

Slowly, N started pulling Uzi away from V. The death stare they gave each other wasn't broken, until (Y/N) spun V's chair around, making her yelp.

"J WAS getting orders from someone, we know that." (Y/N) announced, making V roll her eyes and spin around again to face N and Uzi.

"If not the company, through that relay, then, uh...who? and how?" N asked.

Uzi pouted, growling a bit. "Quit complicating my murder plan." 

N raised one of his hands, before lowering it on to Uzi's head, patting it gently. Uzi smacked it away, obviously not in the mood.

V stared, the frown on her face still visible.

Jayden came in, making everyone's attention switch to the main entrance of the pod. They all stared at him for a second or two, making him raise a robotic brow of confusion.

"Did, uhhh...did I miss something-?"


"UGH, I'm SWEATY, WHO PROGRAMMED THAT??" Uzi shouted over the loud wind.

Uzi, (Y/N) and N decided to get some fresh air. They left V locked up in her chair, which (Y/N) thought was hilarious. At least she had Jayden's company.

"You good, Uzi?" (Y/N) asked her.

"I'm good. BETTER than good. I, am GOD." She raised her arms in the air dramatically, as N and (Y/N) stood idle for a second or two.

Out of absolutely nowhere, a figure with blonde hair and a baseball cap appeared. Yes. It was the jock from Uzi's home, Thad.

How did he get here? I've asked myself the exact same question. Anyways-

Uzi laughed nervously, realising that he had just witnessed most likely the entirety of her little piece of character development. "Hi- hi, Thad-"

N and (Y/N) looked at each other. 

Thad seemed to have been holding Uzi's blaster. She had been looking for that. He held it out to her awkwardly.

"Th-thank you!" she took it from him, before giving (Y/N) and N a thumbs up. They both returned the gesture.

"Of course, 'Zi!" Uzi got a bit flustered at the nickname. Thad turned to N and (Y/N), giving them finger guns. "N and Ms, the other one-" N gave him thumbs up, as (Y/N) frowned. N patted their shoulder.

He faced Uzi once again. "You saved my life!! I-I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff-!"

Uzi frowned, knowing exactly what he was getting at.

"More just...confused, especially with-"

"The fact I'm too ROGUE to re-enter society now??" she cut him off suddenly. Thad took a step back. "I can never return..." she said quietly.

(Y/N) watched this all unfold, amused. It was almost like they were watching some sort of performance of Romeo and Juliet, except Juliet is pretty much gone insane.

"...The recent disappearances? A-and your murder friend's corpse?"

"She's not our friend, Thad." (Y/N) sighed. Thad gulped and continued.

"When I went to grab your gun, it kind of looked like it...crawled...away?"

All at the same time, N, (Y/N) and Uzi's eyes widened. N stood up, taking (Y/N) by the arm to signal that he wants them to stand up too.

"...We can return a little-!" Uzi told him, her voice high-pitched with nervousness.


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