Chapter 1

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"AHHHHHH NOOOO" I hear my brother scream in the room next door. 'Ugh why is he shouting so early in the morning i'm trying to sleep' I grunt. I get out of bed sloppily and head to my brother's bedroom. When I get to his door I swing it wide open and shout "WHY THE FRICK ARE YOU SHOUTING IN THE MORNING YOU WOKE ME UP!!!". He turns around and says in vain "Y/N I'm in a call and the camera is on!!" I look down at what I'm wearing and realise I'm only wearing a long shirt that falls down to my thighs and my underwear (don't worry the only thing they can see are your thighs no higher) I blush and run out the room closing the door shut. I could hear my brother laughing really hard so I run back to my room and put on some shorts on as fast as possible and walk back to my brother's room still blushing slightly.

"Ok I'm wearing shorts now. Anyway why were you shouting I was sleeping." I say as I walk in his room. "Right sorry Y/N I died in the nether. sorry again" my brother says guilty. "Are you blimin' serious!! You woke me up because you died in the nether!!" I shout annoyed. "I'm sorry I had a load of stuff on me!!" He says trying to redeem himself but I won't accept that as an excuse so I pick up a pillow from his bed and thow it at him as hard as I can making it land straight in his face. "Owww!! Dude!! You could've hit my P.C!!" He shouts throwing the pillow back.

I can hear muffled laughs coming from my brothers earphones. "Well it was deserved so yeah next time don't start screaming like a baby when you die in the nether." I retort sassily then I hear more laughter from his earphones and then my brother starts laughing too. "Who are you talking to anyway?" I ask. "Oh uh my friend Ranboo." He answers. "Ranboo?" I ask confused. "Yeah you know my friend from twitch the faceless 6'6 enderman" He says trying to make me remember. "Ohhh you mean the one who made a dumb video of him spinning in a chair for 5 minutes that got like 10million views" I say slightly laughing to myself as I remember the video. "Uh yeah him" He says laughing slightly.

"Hey would you like to talk to him?" 5Up asks me. "Uhh sure"I say hesitantly.

Heyo everyone here's chapter 1 of the remake hope you guys like it!! love you all <3

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