Chapter 2

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Hey would you like to talk to him?" 5Up asks me. "Uhh sure"I say hesitantly.

My brother hands me his headphones and i wave to the camera and say :"hello". "Hi" says a deep but calming voice. I look at the computer screen in hopes of finding another face but all I get is a discord profile picture.
'hmm no cam i guess he doesn't show his face often...kinda like me to be honest'
  "uhm how old are you?" I hear from the earphones. "oh uh I'm 17 what about you?". I say coming back down to earth. "uhm I just recently turned 18". "oh cool when?"I ask. "uh on November the 2nd." "ohh cool your a 2003 like me!" I say happily. "oh really when do you turn 18?" He asks intrigued. "oh uh on the 22nd of December" I say. "oh that's a day before Tubbo's birthday" he says happily. "uhm who's Tubbo?" I ask confused. "oh he's my best friend he's really nice!" He says excited. "oh actually i never asked you but what's your name?" He asks eagerly. "oh uhm my name is Y/N what about you?". I ask him the same question. "I'm Ranboo" he says, his smile could be heard in the way he talked.

A/N: Heyo everyone short chapter sorry it's currently 5 am so yeah my brain isn't really working. Anyway hope you liked it. Love you all <3

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