Chapter 6

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  "Hey uh I'm gonna head to bed now" I say yawning afterwards. "Oh ok uhm goodnight then" He says. "Goodnight" I say hanging up. I walk to my closet and change into my PJs and then I get into bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

Y/N Pov:

  I wake up to my brother barging into my room screaming "WAKE UP IT'S 2PM" and then my phone starts ringing. I search for my phone but then realise ' oh shit I left it on my desk. Ughhh' and the worst thing in my life happens : my brother.  

  "Oooooo who's calling? left me check" he says with the biggest smirk ever. "please don't" i say but it's barely a whisper and my voice is raspy since I just woke up. "Ooooo it's Ranbooooo." 'Oh god this is bad please don't answer'  "DON'T ANSWER IT" I shout. "hmmmm maybe I will" He says smirking even more. "Please don't!" I say this time very clearly. "Aaannnd answer" he says pressing the green button.
  "OH MY GOD I HATE YOU!" I shout embarrassed. "HAHA I'M THE BEST BROTHER EVERRR" He burst out laughing. "uhhh did I call at a wrong time?" Ranboo asks confused. "YES" "NO" me and 5up say in sync. I look him dead in the eyes and glare at him. "uhm ok.." He says even more confused. "uhh should I just go?" He asks. "YES" "NO" we say in sync again. "Oh my god I hate you so much 5up" I say aloud. "Teehee" he says with an evil grin after.
  "Ok well how about I leave you with your boyfriend I'm going to go do something with my life" 5up says while handing my the phone. "yeah you should probably do that AND HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND" I shout after he shuts the door and I hear a faint "Sure he's not" I look at the door and stick my tung out.

  I turn to my phone and then say "hi". "Hi" he says smiling he wasn't wearing his mask and it made me feel proud of him. "Sorry about my brother he's annoying and is always like this when he finds I actually have friends of the opposite gender. "Nah it's fine don't worry" he says with a small smile.

  "Guessing off the fact you're in your bed and your hair is a bit messed up you just woke up so do you want me to leave you get ready and maybe call back later orrr?" he asks "No you're good you can stay I'm probably just going to go change really quickly and then we can talk while I eat and stuff"  I say. "ok" he answers simply.

  "ok I'll be back in a sec I'm just going to get changed" "ok take your time" he says before I drop my phone on my bed and go to my closet to pic out an outfit and then I make my way to my bathroom and get changed.

Ranboo Pov:

  I was waiting for Y/N to come back as I slowly zoned out thinking about what 5up had said. ' Boyfriend why does that not bother me? We're not dating and we literally met yesterday so why would it not bother me that he called me her boyfriend? Shouldn't it bother me? Why did I kinda like it? What is wrong with me holy-'

  My thoughts were cut off with Y/N picking up the phone up again and walking to another room then propping the electronic up. "Hi again" she said. "hey" I say.

  "what are you doing?" I ask as I watch her taking things out of draws. "doing my makeup" She says placing brushes down on the counter. "Ohhh does get to have an exclusive behind the scene on how Ms.Y/N does her makeup?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "You know what just out of spite I'm going to cover the camera" She says putting the phone face down leaving me with a black screen.

   "Hey nooo please I'm sorry! Please forgive me your highness I won't do it again just let me have the privilege of watching you do your makeup!!" I say exaggerating every word. "ugh fine but just cos you said 'your highness'" She says propping the phone up again.

  "Yes!" I say in victory and then prop my phone up and do a little victory dance. "What are you doing" she says laughing. "My victory dance" I say proudly. "What did you win?" She asks confused. "well the privilege of watching you do your makeup" I say nonchalantly. "oh right" she says with a small laugh behind and then she goes back to doing her weird magic of "trusting the process".

  A couple minutes later she was done and honestly I thought she looked better without it but she still looks pretty but I would've preferred her without out it.
  "Hey why did you even put makeup on?" I ask nonchalantly. "Oh uhm because it makes me look pretty" she says with a smile. "But you look pretty without it" I blurt out. "You think I look pretty without it?" She says with a slight blush. "Well uh yeah" I say blushing.

Y/N Pov:

  After what he said I had a sudden urge to take it all off just for him so I start taking my makeup remover and my cotton pads and i start washing everything off. "Hey what are you doing?!" Ranboo exclaims. "taking it off" I say removing my eyeliner.

  "But why is it because of what I said? Did I say something wrong?!" he says in a panic. "No you didn't on the contrary you made me want to take it off and go on with my day with my natural face" I say smiling. "Really?" he says. "mhm" I answer with a hum and I warm smile.

Ranboo Pov:

  At first I thought I said something wrong when she started removing her makeup but then she said I made her want to be herself which made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn't help but smile she was way prettier without her makeup and gosh I just wanted to squeeze her and never let go.

  ' Wait what am I thinking? She doesn't even like me. I don't even like her. Right? ugh what is wrong with me?! get yourself together you're getting all worked up over nothing she just took her makeup off cos you said she looked pretty without it it's not a big deal". I internally slapped myself multiple times trying to get these thoughts out of my head.
Time skip to the afternoon (they are no longer on call)

Y/N Pov:

  I was finishing my homework when 5upo
walked in and said "hey so uh me and my friends are going to meet up in England in a few days so uhm since your coming cos yeah I'm your legal guardian you gotta pack your bags" "Woah woah slow done. One: what? Two: How and three: When?" I asked confused as hell

  "Ok so one: We are going to England so I can meetup with some friends because yeah I can and you have to come with me since you're still a minor and I'm your legal guardian. Two: We're going there by plane. And three: I booked a flight for Friday morning very early so in 5 days" he answers.

  "Ok so more questions one: Who are we meeting up with? and two how long are we staying there so I can pack enough clothes?" I ask more questions. "ok so one: that's a suprise and two: for like 2 weeks"

  (I know he wasn't staying with them for 2 weeks but for the purpose of the story they will be)

  "Ok thanks. You may leave noe" I say shooing him out of my room so I could get my stuff ready.

  Once 5up is out I take my suitcase out and start packing different outfits for the 2 weeks. I then add different bits and bobs that i might use like my kindle and other stuff. Once I'm done with the outfits and everything I decide to stop there that way I could still sleep with my plushies and I could still brush my teeth and hair and put my makeup on.

  For the rest of the day I just chill listening to music and finishing my homework and doing random things like drawing and trying to stay productive.

A/N: Heyo everyone! Here's chapter 6 hope you guys enjoyed!! Wow I'm on a role this week 3 chapters in like what 2 day? Well at least you guys get to read more. Also for those worrying about this taking forever to get to the dating don't worry we're getting there I just don't want it to be like all those other stories where they start dating in a span of a day like It's love at first sight but they are friends first and then they will go to dating. Okay love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter hopefully <33

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