Chapter 9

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    'Yessss victory!!! The boob man is now going to come cure my bordem and I will be able to finally annoy someone!!' I thought to myself proud of what i had accomplished and ready to use my evil schemes on this giant human.

Ranboo Pov:

  I was doing my job as "Tubbo's camera man" for the stream when I get a text from Y/N in desperate need of my attention why mine i do not know but I decided I'll go anyway.

  'I kinda like the fact she wants my attention specifically- wait what am I saying no I don't...Do I? I don't know man I should just go give the gremlin it's attention before it devourers me when I walk in the room.'

  "Hey Tubbo I'm uhh going to go in the other room for a bit to do you know uhh... the thing" I said making loads of hand gestures trying to get him to understand I was going to look after Y/N and after a bit of me looking extremely sus he finally understood and said "ohhhh right the thing" "yeah the thing" I said and then walked out of the kitchen to the main room.

  As I walked in I saw a very bored Y/N rolling around on the floor as if she was having a midlife crisis. I laughed and said "uh are you okay" "No" she replied very straightforwardly. "I uh ok so you wanted attention?" I asked still a bit confused on why she was still rolling on the floor. "yeah" she replied and then stopped rolling and just lay there staring at the ceiling.

  I walked up to Y/N and looked down on her "so? what do you wanna do? I mean you want attention so I'm giving it to you so what do you wanna do?" I ask. "I..." she started. "You?.." "I want a hug" she then finally replied sitting up. "you want... a hug?" I questioned confused. "yes" she said looking up at me with a smile. "I want a hug" Y/N then continued. "I uh ok then" I said crouching down and giving her a hug.

  "is that all you wanted?" i ask. "no" she then replies. "ok well then what do you wanna do?" I ask again "I.. don't know" she says "I just want you to be next to me for some reason I don't know why" Y/N then explains. "Oh well I uhm don't...know what to answer to that" I say slightly confused but deep down I kinda liked the idea that she wanted me next to her.

  "Ok well do you wanna draw?" I ask "but where?" she asks back. "on the white board." I reply. "Oh my god you guys have a whiteboard?!" Y/N says excitedly jumping up. "yeah we do here I'll show you" I say bringing her to where my pc is and hand her a marker. "thank you kind sir" she says bowing her head. "your very welcome your majesty" I reply playing along to her antics and then we laugh and start drawing random things on the board.

Y/N Pov:

  Me and Ranboo spent about another half hour just messing around with the whiteboard until 5upp and Tubbo walked in and got extremely confused on why we both had marker on our faces. After everything was explained we then decided it was time to eat so we ate 5upp's and Tubbo's pizza which wasn't too bad and then we ordered more food because the boys were hungry.

  Anyway I should probably get ready for bed now. I went to brush my teeth and got into my pajamas then when I came back the bed on the couch was set up for me. Ranboo was sleeping in his bed up the stairs and Tubbo in his bedroom and 5upp in the spare bedroom.
         A few hours later ( 3:48 am)

  I could hear someone going down stairs so I opened one of my eyes to see Ranboo going into the kitchen. I didn't think too much of it until I heard something fall so I quietly got out of bed and snuck towards the door it was slightly open and the light was on. When I looked through the door I could see Ranboo crouched down picking up something and cursing at himself.

  I walked in and said "Ranboo what are you doing up?" He jumped slightly and said " God you scared me and I could say the same for you" "well you woke me up" I answered "fair enough also sorry I was going to get a glass of water but i dropped the glass cos I'm an idiot." I laughed at that. "Ok well I'm awake now and I don't think I'll be going back to bed for awhile so I might as well help you with the glass" I said.

  "ok but careful with your feet make sure not to step on anything" he said making sure i didn't step on anything as I made my way to kneel down next to him and start picking up the glass. "Wait actually can you go in the storage room which is over there and get me a broom It's probably gonna be a lot easier with one" he said pointing at a door next to the toilet.

  "yeah sure" I say getting up carefully and walk there making sure I didn't step on anything.

A/N: heyo sorry for the very late post I've been busy with a lot of stuff. I hope you guys are doing well and that you enjoyed! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! <3

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