Chapter 5

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"don't worry it's fine it's actually pretty cute" I say. "Yo-you think I'm c-cute?" he asks "huh I never..oh shit uhhh well n-no I mean yeah i mean no uhmmm anywayyy" I realise what I said and this time I blush so hard from embarrassment.

Ranboo Pov:

I could see her face was all red but I didn't want to point it out otherwise her face might explode. She said I
had really pretty eyes but her literal face is beautiful. She couldn't see the rest of my face since I was wearing my mask but for some reason I really wanted to take it off and show her what was hiding under.

"Why do you always wear a mask?" She finally spoke up. "Uhm well I dunno if you've heard of facial dismorphia but uh th-that's what I have." I said worried she would think I was just trying to get attention. "Oh yeah I've heard of it a little bit but can I pleaaaaaase see what's under the mask? peepoShy" She begged.

I thought for a second and for the most unknown reason in my entire life I agreed and said "uhm ok but uh don't judge.." "Oh don't worry I'm sure you're fineee" She said as if she was sure there wouldn't be anything wrong with me.

I propped my phone up on my cup that was on my desk and removed the mask slowly regretting my decision. So many thoughts were going through my head ' what if she thinks I'm ugly?What if she thinks I look weird or it was not what she expected?' I pushed all those thoughts out and just focused on taking my mask off.

Y/N Pov:

Ranboo was removing his mask but I could see he was getting really nervous so I said "hey if you don't wanna do it you don't have to" "no no I do" He replied reassuring me "ok.." I said not really convinced that he was sure.

A few seconds later he had taken his mask off and man he was just so. I can't even describe it he's so just magnificent, beautiful all the damn words to describe something pretty. I can't describe how pretty he is because he's just so ✨.

"Why do you even wear the mask dude?" I said in disbelief that someone this hot could be anxious about what he looks like.

(don't come for me if I say anything wrong about facial dismorphia I'm still learning about it so if I say anything wrong please tell me so I can change it in the story)

"Well I uhh already told you why" Ranboo says nervous. "But dudeee you look so hot why would you hide that" I say to reassure him I didn't mean anything bad when I asked him why he wore the mask. ' Of course I knew why it's just I don't understand how a brain could do such a thing to such a beautiful human. Now obviously everyone is beautiful but damn he might be the prettiest one yet'

"So you think I'm hot huh?" He says teasingly. "NOT LIKE THAT OMG" I say blushing slightly. "I know I'm just messing with you" he says with a smirk on his face.

We talked for a couple more hours talking about random things in our normal lives, about things we liked to do, eat, our favourite movies, TV shows, stuff like that. I checked the time 11:53 PM. 'Damn it's nearly midnight we've been on face time for like what 4 hours and then add that to the discord call which was like 3 hours, we've been talking to each other for 7 whole hours gosh I should probably go to bed'

"Hey uh I'm gonna head to bed now" I say yawning afterwards. "Oh ok uhm goodnight then" He says. "Goodnight" I say hanging up. I walk to my closet and change into my PJs and then I get into bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

A/N: Hey everyone! How are you all? Hope you're all doing well. <3 Here's chapter 5. I hope you all enjoyed it!! Love you all <33

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