Chapter 3

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"oh actually i never asked you but what's your name?" He asks eagerly. "oh uhm my name is Y/N what about you?". I ask him the same question. "I'm Ranboo" he says, his smile could be heard in the way he talked.


"ok well it was nice meeting you Ranboo but I should get going I have things to do." I said remembering i had loads of homework to do. "oh ok. Actually before you go do you have discord?" he asked. "uh yeah i'll get 5upp to give it to you. Alright bye now" I said taking off the headphones.

Ranboo POV:

I was playing with 5up on Minecraft when he died in the nether and screamed really loudly and then a few minutes later someone barged into his room scolding him for waking her up.

She was so beautiful she had (your hair length), (your hair colour)
with (your skin colour) and I could just about make out that she had (your eye colour). She was about 5'6 or something and looked around my age. She was beautiful.

I came out of my daze when 5up shouted that the camera was on and that's when i saw she was only wearing a long shirt that went down to her thighs. I blushed slightly but then I saw how red she was, she was red as a tomato which made me burst out laughing and then she rushed out slamming the door behind her.

A few moments later she came back wearing a pair of shorts this time and then proceeded to go back to scolding her brother for waking her up.

I came out of my laughing fit when the girl asked "who are you talking to anyway?" "Oh uh my friend Ranboo." 5up answered. "Ranboo?" She asked confused. "Yeah you know my friend from twitch the faceless 6'6 enderman" He said. "Ohhh you mean the one who made a dumb video of him spinning in a chair for 5 minutes that got like 10million views" that made me chuckle, to think she actually watched that. And that's when it came 5up had asked her if she wanted to talk to me. I wasn't the best in social situations and it was even worse with girls. I internally panicked but eventually calmed down when i heard a small "hello?"

I soon found out her name and that she was the same age as me but eventually she had to leave so before she left I quickly asked her for her discord and she told me her brother would give it to me. "Alright bye now" she said taking the headphones off and giving them back to 5upp. "bye.." i said as I watched this so mysterious girl that i longed to know more about walk away and shut the room door once more."

A/N : Ayo peeps! It's 6 am i just did an all nighter cos yeah school is today and I really was not hoping to wake up drowsy so I decided on not sleeping at all. Anyway yeah here's chapter 3 hope you enjoyed. aight imma go take a 10 minutes power nap now bye love ya <3

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