Chapter 10

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  "yeah sure" I say getting up carefully and walk there making sure I didn't step on anything.
Ranboo Pov:

  While Y/N was rummaging through the closet for a broom I carefully picked up the big pieces of glass trying not to cut myself or anything.

  I had so many thoughts going through my mind at that moment. 'She said she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so what is she gonna do after this?'
'i usually go out for 3 am walks at this time but it would be weird if I asked if she wanted to come along wouldn't?'
'it would probably make me sound like a kidnapper but like it would be fun right and anyway what's the worse that could happen...' 'ehehe ehhhh......Imma do it anyway'

  At that exact moment Y/N came back with a broom and that's when I spoke up and said "hey you said you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and usually around this time i go out on a walk so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

  "Sure I guess but maybe not like this" she said and stifled a laugh. "Right no yeah obviously not dressed like that we'll put something warm on first" I replied laughing slightly as well.

  We finished picking up the glass then Y/N put the broom away and we went to go put something warm on.

  Y/N came back wearing a pair of gray jogings and a uhh 'is that my hoodie?!' . "Are you wearing my hoodie?" I asked slightly blushing and thank god it was dark. She looked down and said "oh I guess it is i dunno i just took the first hoodie I saw. It's comfy though" I blushed and said "You can keep it if you want"
"Cool thanks now i can add that to my collection of stolen hoodies" she smiled widely. "I don't wanna know why you have a collection of stolen hoodies" I said slightly scared of the answer.

  "No you don't. Right shall we go now?" She asked. "Yup lets go lemme just get my phone real quick" I said and once I had my phone I walked out the door taking the keys with me and locking the door behind us.

  "So where do you usually go when you go on walks?" she asked. "anywhere. I don't really go anywhere specific I just try and find little spots to sit and listen to music. Last time I went to the beach another time i walked through the center I kinda just go everywhere and anywhere I can go." I replied "hmm" she hummed in response.

  We walked for about 30 minutes without really saying anything. The silence was nice and it was awkward or anything it was just peaceful.

Y/N Pov:

  We reached a really nice spot with trees and a lake with a bridge over the two lands that were being separated by the water. There were flowers and fireflies were everywhere. "Woah" I let out amazed by everything. "this looks so pretty" I continued "yeah it does" Ranboo said smiling.

  When I looked at Ranboo smiling that's when I realized he wasn't wearing his mask. "Hey Ranboo?"I called out "yeah?" he replied "Your not wearing your mask" I said blanky "oh. Well it's fine I guess it's just us" he replied sounding as if he didn't really care that I saw his face.

Ranboo Pov:

  I didn't really care that Y/N could see my face because I was so mesmerized by everything around us including Y/N. She was so pretty standing there looking up at the millions of little insects.
  We walked over the bridge to sit on the patch of grass. I turn my phone on and put on the song 'I love you so' By the Walters and we both lay down looking up at the stars and all the fireflies floating in the air.

'I just need someone in my life to give it structure
To handle all the selfish ways I'd spend my time without her'

  I was so in the moment that I hadn't realised that I had taken Y/N hand into mine. She turned her head to look at me and i look back at her then that's when I realized what i was doing and blushed and said "oh sorry" and I let go.

' You're everything I want, but I can't deal with all your lovers
You're saying I'm the one, but it's your actions that speak louder'

  But to my surprise she took it back and said "it's fine" and smiled. At this point I was probably as red as a tomato.

'Giving me love when you are down and need another
I've gotta get away and let you go, I've gotta get over'

Y/N Pov:

  I took Ranboo's hand and blushed a bright red I looked him in the eyes and said "Ranboo?"

' But I love you so'

"hmm" he hummed nervously. "I think I like you" I said hoping he'd say something back.

' I love you so'

"I..I think I l- like you t-too" he said stuttering. I smiled widely and sat up.

' I love you so '

I stood up and turned and looked at Ranboo.

' I love you so '

I reached my hand out for him to take and he accepted it and he stood up as well.

' I'm gonna pack my things and leave you behind '

I hugged him and we started swaying left to right.

' This feelings old and I know that I made up my mind '

I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul '

I smiled at him.

' Cause you were cruel '

He smiled back.

' and I'm a fool '

We both closed our eyes.

' so please let me go '

And leaned in.

' But I love you so (please let me go) '

We kissed.

' I love you so (please let me go) '

The kiss was soft and passionate.

' I love you so (please let me go) '

I was my first kiss and I was happy it was with him.

' I love you so '

We pulled away at the same time and looked at each other in the eyes both blushing like crazy. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I hugged him again and we stood there for a bit swaying to the next song that played which was 'fool' by Frankie Cosmos.

I let go and started dancing and singing the lyrics "You make me feel like a fool ~~~ waiting for you~~" I sang looking him straight in the eyes and he took my hand and started dancing with me. And we started singing together. I was perfect.

He then looked at me and stopped. "What?" I asked. "I uhm.." He took my hand and pulled me close then looked me in the eyes again and said "Do you uhm wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked blushing.

  "No" I said staring him the eyes with a big smile on my face. "Oh" he said looking disappointed. "Of course I wanna be your girlfriend you idiot!!!" I exclaimed. And his face instantly lit up and he kissed me once again. I had do many butterflies in my stomach and I was blushing so much.

                    Time skip:

We walked back to Tubbo's house hand in hand and with big smiles across our faces.

I was a bit tired so Ranboo made me sleep in his bed while he made breakfast.

A/N : Heyo here's chapter 10. Woo they finally kissed!!! More things coming soon. Hope you enjoyed. Love you all!! <3

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