Chapter 8

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    I went back to the couch but this time i felt a head rest on my lap. It was Y/N she had moved slightly towards me and put her head on my lap. I didn't really know what to do so I just kinda sat there a bit panicked.

Y/N Pov:

  I woke up to noise in the kitchen 'ugh why can't I just sleep and wake up normally' i thought a bit annoyed that i kept getting woken up but that's when I realized. How did I fall asleep? And most importantly where?

  I tried to think back to before I fell asleep but the only thing that came to mind was me being carried bridal style by Ranboo...'no.. that can't be.. surely not... could I of really fallen asleep in his arms?... Oh god what do I do?'

  I decided to put aside my thoughts and actually get off the couch cos all I was doing at the moment was staring at the ceiling. There was no one in the room so I assumed they were all in the kitchen but what were they doing?

  I got up and as soon as I started walking I felt dizzy 'oh god wait I should've not gotten up so quickly ughhh lemme uhhhh get steady ' once I was steady and no longer dizzy I started walking towards the kitchen again. I opened the door slightly and god was the light bright. I covered my eyes and then was immediately just pulled back into the main room.

  'uh ok weird all I wanted to do was see what was happening but I guess It's"off limits' I rolled my eyes and turned to the person who had pushed me back in. It was Ranboo 'oh dear lord please help me'

  "hi" I said my voice raspy from having just woken up. "hey how you feeling? You sleep okay?" he asked. "mhm" I said nodding. "alright well that's good but uhm you can't go in the kitchen" he replied. "why not?" I asked still as confused as I was before. "Because Tubbo and 5upp are doing a cooking stream." He replied.

  "ughhh but I need the toilet" I complained finally sensing the urge to pee. "well I mean I don't really know what to do about that. Oh actually maybe if I move the camera slightly so that when you walk past your not in the camera frame." He said trying to find a way for me to go to the toilet. "I mean sure that could work but please just hurry cos I really need to pee" I said pleading him to hurry so I wouldn't pee myself not that I would but still you never know.

  "Alright I'll go back in and move the cameras so your not in view and then you can go to the bathroom" he said before going back in the kitchen. "ok" i said just before he closed the door.

  A few minutes later he came back and said I could go now so I quickly ran to the toilet and did my business then i walked out after washing my hands and ran back to the main room and mouthing a quick "thanks" to Ranboo.

           Time skip : an hour later

  It has already been about an hour and all I've been doing was either aimlessly scrolling on tiktok or other social media or I was staring at the ceiling and I was getting really bored so I decided to text Ranboo to come entertain me.

( bold,left = Ranboo right, italics = Y/N)



I'm boredddddd
come entertain me with your dad jokes plsssssss

I can't Tubbo is still streaming

He's got 5upp they are reasonably responsible people
well kinda
they can look after themselves and a stream

Really 😒
You being serious rn?
Tubbo responsible?
Have you met him

well i mean tbf i only met him today

but still I'm not gonna leave the stream so you can be entertained

I'm boredddddd
and i need attentionnnnn
and I've been doing random boring things for the past hour

i am not falling for u manipulations



Pls my beloved

Okay 1: wth 2: no 3: stop taking advantage of the fact i get flustered and flattered easily so you can emotionally manipulate me

i wont annoy anymore if you do

yeah we both know you'll still annoy me
but i guesssssss I couldddd maybe leave Tubbo and 5upp alone
5upp is responsible right?

Yes he is veryyyyy responsible
now come entertain me ender boy
I need your dumb dad jokes to cure my bordem

okay okay calm down I'm coming lemme just tell Tubbo you want attention

ok :)

_____________end of texts_____________

  'Yessss victory!!! The boob man is now going to come cure my bordem and I will be able to finally annoy someone!!' I thought to myself proud of what i had accomplished and ready to use my evil schemes on this giant human.


  A/N: teehee small cliffhanger. Hello my fellow readers I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry it's not a long one I'm just very tired because it's very late (again) but uhm yeah hope you enjoyed and I love you guys and I'll hopefully see you in the next chapter! :) love you <333333

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