Chapter 4

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Recap: "Alright bye now" she said taking the headphones off and giving them back to 5up. "bye.." i  said as I watched this so mysterious girl that i longed to know more about walk away and shut the room door once more."

Y/N Pov:

  I walked out of my brother's room to go get ready. I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower then I got dressed wearing (insert clothing you want to wear) then put on a bit of makeup (if you wear any obviously). Once I was ready I went downstairs to make myself some bacon and eggs on toast for breakfast.

  While I was eating my breakfast and aimlessly scrolling through tiktok I get a discord notification. I click on it and see it was a friend request from Ranboo. I accept it knowing my brother was the one to give it to him and then I go back to eating and aimlessly scrolling on tiktok.

  After about half an hour of scrolling through tiktok I hear my brother come down the stairs and at the same time I get another discord notification. I decide to ignore the notification as my brother starts talking to me.

  "Hey did you make breakfast?" 5up asks me. "Yis I made bacon and eggs on toast" I say as I turn to him and give him a small smile. "Oh good I was starving in my room." He says eager to eat my amazing food. I laugh and then decide to finally check what the notification was.

  It was a message from Ranboo.
(italics - left: Ranboo bold - right: you)



Whatcha doing?

I just finished eating and 5upp just came down

nm really just chilling on my chair
I was thinking abt editing a vid or something but then I got lazy lol

mood tho

yh lol
ok well uh I guess ttyl imma go make something out of my life lmao

ok bye ttyl

end of dms


I shut my phone off and then said to my brother: " Hey I'm gonna go out somewhere" "ok where to?" he asks. "not sure I guess I'm just gonna discover new places" I said with exaggerated hand movements. "ok then have fun just make sure you don't get lost and that your back for lunch" he says.  "ok also don't worry I won't be out too long maybe an hour or two so I'll probably be back at like 12 or something" I say reassuring him. "alright then have fun" he says as I walk out the door. "bye" I say quickly before shutting the door"

  I walk out the house and start walking in a random direction. At first I wanted to go to the park but then I decided that maybe if I go somewhere random I'll find a cool place so I walk past the park and into a bunch of trees. I keep walking passing bushes and different sizes of trees. I walk until I hear water flowing I decide to walk to the sound and that's when I found it. The most beautiful place I've ever seen.

  There was a beautiful pond that fell into a stream and in the pond i could see tiny frogs jumping from lily pad to lily pad. There was flowers and a really nice patch of bright green grass. There was trees and bushes all around the area. There was a beautiful willow tree that was covering the entrance which made everything even more magical. I felt like I was in a movie.

5Up's Sister (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now