Chapter 7

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For the rest of the day I just chill listening to music and finishing my homework and doing random things like drawing and trying to stay productive.

Time skip to Thursday night

Y/N Pov:

I packed the rest of my things (sanitary things, skin care products, hair products, makeup) and then I emptied my school bag and used that as an extra bag to put my charger and plushies. I also took my laptop with me and my Nintendo switch.

Once I was done I went to get ready for bed. I was so excited that it was a bit harder to fall asleep but that's why I made sure to go to bed at 7Pm because that way I wouldn't be tired when my alarm would go off a 4Am.

Time skip to 4Am

I woke up to my alarm beeping like there was a fire in the house. I slammed the off button and sloppily got out of bed. I started getting ready with the clothes I had put on the side the night before and then I went downstairs to make coffee and breakfast for me and 5up.

A few minutes later a drowsy 5up came down and took a mug out and poured himself some coffee. I had already drank all mine so I was awake and ready to take on the day.

Since I had already eaten, I gave 5up his breakfast and then I went up to my room to finish putting the rest of my things in my school bag.

Once I was done I put my school bag on my back and then in my right hand, I took my suitcase and brought both bags down. I then went back up to get my laptop and switch which were in their own mini cases.

Since I was done and all set I decided to chill on the couch while I waited for 5up to finish.

A few minutes later I here coming down the stairs with bags and say "alright we all set?" "yeah" I say nodding. "Alright then help me put the bags in the boot" (or trunk for the Americans) he says. "ok" I reply getting off the couch and picking my bags up and bringing them to the boot.

"ok we got everything ready yeah?" 5up asks making sure we had everything. "normally yeah"I say. "oh wait actually what about food?" I ask. "we got food on the plane" he says. "righttt" i say a bit disgusted at the thought of eating horrible plane food.

"Alright get in the car" he says as he goes in the drivers seat. I open the door and sit myself in a comfortable and safe position and put my seat belt on. "Can we pleeeaaase put my music on??" I plead. "ugh fine" he says handing me the Aux cord. "yay!" I say happy of my accomplishment. I put on my playlists and the first song to come on is '1980s horror film' by Wallows.

Time skip to when they arrive at the airport ( sorry there's a lot of time skips but i don't really know what to write about lol)

We arrive at the airport and we both get out of the car and get our bags from the boot. We go through the doors of the enormous airport and we go do the thing where you get your flight ticket with the passports.

(Fun fact: i actually have no idea what it's called or remember how an airport works because i haven't gone out of my country for like 3-4 years)

After doing the bags we go through security and then we have to wait for 30 minutes before our flight is due to take off. During our free time me and 5up get a few snacks to eat before going on the plane. 5up gets a bag of roasted chicken crisps and another coffee and I get (insert snack(s) here) and a (insert drink(s) here).

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