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The next day, after breakfast Taehyung runned upstairs into his room to do what he said he will do it.

"He will see that I wasn't joking about putting photos on the wall." Taehyung said and giggled. He grabbed 6 photos which they took yesterday and looked carefully at each of them.

"Ohh God, Jungkook was looking at me almost on every picture. I'm gonna die." Taehyung said and throw himself on the bed, he was shy just thinking about it.

"Oppa, what are you doing?" Euni asked as she walked into Taehyung's room with Eli following after her to make sure Euni don't fall on the stairs.

"I'm gonna put photos on the wall." Taehyung said and turned around to look at his sister.

"I want to do that with my photos too. Can I oppa?" Euni asked. Taehyung nodded.

"Of course sweetheart, let Eli help you with it." Taehyung said.

Euni nodded, grabbing Eli's hand and literally runned out of Taehyung's room.

"Let's put this onto wall then sent it to that coconout head who still didn't sent any message today, weird." Taehyung said but ignored it as he now focused onto placing photos on the wall.

After few minutes he was done and happy how it looked on the wall.

"It looks great. Let me take a photo of it so I can sent to Jungkookie." Taehyung said, not realizing the nickname as he grabbed his phone from his bed and took a photo then sending to Jungkook.

Taehyung: [attached photo]

Taehyung: I told you I will do it

Taehyung: Good morning btw

Taehyung waited for answer because usually Jungkook answers immediatelly but today he didn't, it made Taehyung confused and kinda sad.

After 1 hour Taehyung got notification on his phone.

"Please be Jungkook." Taehyung said, he didn't even realized how much he wanted Jungkook to sent him message, to be there with him, he is still hiding from his own feelings but for how long he will be available to hide from it.

Jungkook: Good morning Tae

Jungkook: Sorry for late reply, I was making breakfast

Jungkook: Photos looks good on the wall, you really did it, woahh, I'm so proud on you

Taehyung: You know how to cook?

Taehyung: Hehe, I told you I will do it

Jungkook: I wanted to ask you something

Taehyung: Say, what is it?

Jungkook: Are you free?? Like right now?

Taehyung: Yeah, why?

Jungkook: Will you come with me on the lake??

Taehyung: Lake?

Jungkook: Yeahh, my family has so beautiful house there. We can spent some time there, I'm alone at home and so bored and I thought you would like to hang out with me maybe.

Taehyung: Sure, I would love to. Will you come here or should I come to your house?

Jungkook: Get ready and I will be there in 1 hour to pick you up. We will go with my car as lake isn't that close.

,,Winter love" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now