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If just he knew that today morning he will be alone when he wake up he wouldn't run away from Jungkook yesterday.

Taehyung was currently downstairs, sitting on the couch in the living room, hot chocolate in his arms as he was looking at TV yet he didn't understand what was happening in the movie.

He was like a lost person and he hated it, he hated that he run away yesterday and now Jungkook is maybe angry on him.

He just wish everything to be like again but this time he want to give a chance. He wants Jungkook to call him as his and he wants to call Jungkook as his as well.

He wish to be in Jungkook's warm embrace when it gets cold. He wish to felt Jungkook's plump lips against his own when his lips gets lonely.

He just wish to be with Jungkook right now, he never in his life fall in love this fast and this is only proof that Jungkook is the one meant for him.

Taehyung took a sip of his hot chocolate when just then there was a new message on his phone.

"Jungkook!" He said and placed cup of the hot chocolate on the table in front of himself, grabbed phone and opened it only to see that it wasn't Jungkook, it was Jimin.

Jimin: Hey Tae! Are you fine?

Taehyung: Hey Chim, I will be fine when I see and talk to Jungkook.

Jimin: Why don't you send him a message then?

Taehyung: Because I'm scared that he don't want to see me or talk to me anymore.

Jimin: You know that is not possible, right? For God's sake Taehyung, Jungkook said that he likes you. He maybe even loves you already but didn't said it because he don't want to scare you. He cares a lot about you Tae, I think you could see that already.

Taehyung: That still don't says that he don't hates me and that he now probably don't wants to see me. I still have that fear of being hurt but the most I am scared to be alone. I don't want to be left again.

Jimin: I totally understand you but you should give a chance to Jungkook.

Taehyung: I need to think about everything Jimin-ah, I need to find out what my heart wants.

Jimin: It's okay, take your time but don't forget that your broken heart can cure only the person who loves you more than itself and who will do anything to make you happy even if that make them sad.

Taehyung read message and sighed, he didn't know what to do. His mind was blank and his heart was confused yet on every thought about Jungkook it would beat fast.

"I need to do this for myself, it's time." Taehyung said and stood up.

Taehyung walked up into his room and opened the closet.

"It's time for you to go in the trash." Taehyung said but anyway opened the box and looked in it. There was some of gifts which his ex boyfriend gave to him and he don't know why he still keep it.

"You made me like this, I hate you." Taehyung said as he closed the box and walked out of his room, downstairs and out of the house. He walked to the trash can and throw box in.

"I should have throw you away before." Taehyung said then walked back into house.

"I don't think that I need to think about anything anymore, my heart knows what he wants and he will get it." Taehyung said to himself.

"Jungkook is mine and will be that forever, I'm not going to let him go that easily." Taehyung said and smiled, he has a little plan.


Meanwhile, Jungkook thought that he will spent whole day alone but knock on the door told him otherwise.

"Hyungs?" Jungkook said as he opened the door and looked at Jin and Jimin standing there.

"Hey Kook, we need to talk. It's about Taehyung." Jin said, Jimin just nodded.

"Come in." Jungkook said and moved aside. Jin and Jimin walked in and took off their shoes and coats then walked into living room together with Jungkook.

"Did something happened to Tae?" Jungkook asked as they sat down on the couch. Jin and Jimin just shook their heads and smiled.

"Nothing happened. Don't worry, I talked with him today." Jimin said.

"And what did he said? Is he fine?" Jungkook asked, his big round eyes looking at his hyungs who melted at younger soft look which was screaming worry about Taehyung.

"He said that he will be fine when he talks to you." Jimin said.

"Really?? He really said that??" Jungkook asked, little smile playing on his lips.

"Of course he did, he wants you as much you wants him." Jin said and giggled.

"But there is one problem." Jimin said.

"What??" Jungkook asked, somewhere deep in his heart he knew that this isn't something good.

"He thinks that you hates him and that you don't want to see him nor even talk to him anymore." Jimin said, making Jungkook shocked.

"What??? I can't hate him, I will never hate him. Why is he thinking that?? Omg, is he aware of how much I want to see him and how much I want to talk to him right now?? I miss him so fucking much and he thinks that I don't want to see him." Jungkook said, Jin shooting him a glare because of cursing.

"You two are really perfect for each other." Jin said.

"You need to talk to him as soon as possible. You know about his last relationship which didn't end well and now he is scared. Somewhere deep in his heart he knows that you will never hurt him but still his mind is playing with him." Jimin said.

"I will, I will talk with him tomorrow. I want to go to his house right now but maybe that isn't good idea so I will give him a time until tomorrow. Tomorrow everything will be done how it's supposed to be." Jungkook said.

"Ufff finally, you coconout head can't do anything without us." Jin said.

"Yahh hyung!!! Only my baby can call me coconout head." Jungkook said and pouted.

"Ohh your baby? You two still aren't together but he is already your baby." Jimin said and smirked.

"Of course he is, he is just the cutest boy I ever saw and he is my baby." Jungkook said.

"Whatever you say lover boy. Anyway, our job is over here." Jin said.

"You are right hyung, I hope this idiot here will not mess up everything." Jimin said.

"Hyung atleast don't call me idiot, I will not mess up this, I promise." Jungkook said.

"You better not but still I will not stop calling you idiot." Jimin said.

"Hmm okey, should I tell to Yoongi hyung about what are you doing when---." Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence as Jimin throw a pillow right at his face.

"Don't you dare." Jimin said.

"You two idiots stop with this and Jimin let's go already!" Jin yelled, making the other two to gulp.

"Yes hyung." Jimin said and followed after Jin.

"Bye Kook, good luck tomorrow." Jin said.

"Bye hyung and shorty." Jungkook said but before Jimin could tell something, Jungkook closed the door.


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