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It was 6.55am when Taehyung heard car in front of his house. He walked downstairs with his things and wore coat and shoes, saying goodbyes to his family before walking out of the car.

"Good morning hyung." Taehyung said as he handed his suitcase to Yoongi.

"Morning Tae, others are already in car. You are the last one." Yoongi said as he put suitcase into car then closed it.

"Ohh okey." Taehyung said then opened the door and saw everyone in there. Yoongi is driving with Jimin sitting on passenger seat.

Behind them was sitting Jin and Namjoon, behind them Jhope and Armee and on the end of the car behind Hopearmee was sitting Jungkook, waiting patiently for Taehyung to sit next to him.

"Good morning everyone." Taehyung greeted then jumped into car and sat next to Jungkook.

As others greeted him back, Jungkook pulled him close to himself and kissed him all over face.

"I missed you so much." Jungkook said as he was hugging him tightly.

"I missed you too big baby bunny." Taehyung said and giggled.

"You two on the back please don't do anything nasty since we all are here." Jin said and smirked, he was teasing them.

"Don't worry hyung, we will wait until we come to the house." Jungkook said back causing all of them to laugh expect Taehyung who blushed.

"Pervert." Taehyung mumbled but still hugged Jungkook and hided his face into Jungkook's neck.

"Just yours." Jungkook said and kissed Taehyung's cheek multipletimes. Taehyung giggled and looked up at Jungkook before connecting their lips and that was time when they heard *click*.

They broke the kiss and looked forwards just to see Armee with phone.

"I got you!" She squealed happily.

"Noona!!!" Taehyung whined cutely, making Armee to giggle at his cuteness.

"Don't worry, I will sent you photo." Armee said.

Taehyung blushed even more and hided his face with his hands. Jungkook chuckled before bringing him back into his embrace.

"My baby." Jungkook mumbled and placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's neck.

"Your baby." Taehyung mumbled but Kook heard him.

Jungkook smiled widely, he was happy, very very happy.

"You can sleep if you want." Jungkook whispered.

"But then you will be bored." Taehyung said and looked up at Jungkook.

"Don't worry about me, sleep if you want, there are still 2 hours." Jungkook said.



"Baby, wake up. We are here!" Jungkook said, he tryed to wake up Taehyung.

"Is he still sleeping?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I think he was so sleepy as he woke up earlier." Jungkook said.

"Ohh I see, do you need help with him?" Jimin said.

"No, thank you. I will take care about him. You all can go." Jungkook said and looked back at Taehyung who was sleeping in his embrace. Jimin nodded then left with others into house, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

"My pretty sleepy baby." Jungkook said.

"I don't think that you are gonna wake up that soon so I will just carry you." Jungkook said then picked Taehyung into his arms and got out of the car. Yoongi came back to close and lock the car then they walked into house, Taehyung in Jungkook's arms.

,,Winter love" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now