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Taehyung was currently in his room, sitting on his bed, not doing anything. He was home alone since his parents and Euni left to some of their family. Taehyung could go too but he didn't wanted it.

"Hmm, should I call Kookie? I hope I'm not too much clingy." Taehyung mumbled.

He grabbed his phone and dialed number and just few seconds later, call was picked up.

📱 Jungkook: Hey baby, I just was about to call you

📱 Taehyung: Hey Kookie, I hope I'm not disturbing you

📱 Jungkook: You can't disturb me ever even if you try to do it baby

📱 Taehyung: Hehe, what are you doing??

📱 Jungkook: Hmm, I'm currently missing you so much. What about you?

📱 Taehyung: I miss you too, I'm alone at home and so bored.

📱 Jungkook: Ohhh

📱 Jungkook: You know that we was supposed to go somewhere today?

📱 Taehyung: Yeah, why? Don't tell me that we are not going Kookieee

📱 Jungkook: No, no. We are going but tomorrow, I told you wrong day, sorry baby.

📱 Taehyung: Ohh it's okay, I can wait one more day but umm can we meet today?

📱 Jungkook: Of course we can, as I already told you that I was about to call you, I wanted to ask you if you want to go with me to take a walk in the park and than maybe on hot chocolate.

📱 Taehyung: That sounds great Kookie!!

📱 Jungkook: Okey baby, meet me in the park in about 30 minutes, okey?

📱 Taehyung: Okey Kookie, see you soon. Byee

📱 Jungkook: Byee baby

[Call ended]

Just as they ended the call, Taehyung got message on the phone.

Jimin: Hey Tae!

Taehyung: Hey Chim!

Jimin: What are you doing? Are you free?

Taehyung: I'm going out with Jungkook

Jimin: Oh ho, great to hear. Well, have fun then. Byee

Taehyung: Byee Chim <3

Taehyung fast stood up and opened his closet, he looked through it, searching for some eyecatching outfit.

"Kookie said that I look good in everything but still I want to look good for him." Taehyung said.

After few minutes he decided an outfit and walked into bathroom to do a quick shower before walking back into bedroom and wearing outfit.

"Okey, I'm ready. I should go now otherwise I will be late." Taehyung said as he grabbed his phone, wallet and coat then going downstairs and out of the house.


Taehyung's outfit

Taehyung's outfit

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