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Jungkook was peacefully sleeping until someone's phone decided to ring loud. He opened his eyes and looked at his right to see Taehyung peacefully sleeping.

"How is he still sleeping with loud phone?" Jungkook thought. He grabbed phone, not looking who it is not whos phone it was.

📱 Jungkook: What?

📱 Jimin: Jungkook? Why are you asnwering on phone?

📱 Jungkook: Because you called me annoying dwarf.

📱 Jimin: First, I'm your hyung and I didn't call you. I called Taehyung but you answered on his phone.

That's when Jungkook realized it.

He was in Taehyung's room, with Taehyung in the same bed and curently was talking with Jimin on Taehyung's phone.

📱 Jungkook: Umm, I... Taehyung.

📱 Jimin: Wait!! Are you in his room?? Did you two slept together??

📱 Jungkook: I am in his room but that's all. We didn't do anything you perv hyung.

📱 Jimin: Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you want. Now give me Taehyung.

📱 Jungkook: Why would I give him to you?? Huh? I will not give him to you, you have Yoongi hyung.

📱 Jimin: I didn't mean that you idiotic coconout bunny head!!!

📱 Jungkook: Then what?? Tell me, I don't have a whole day!

📱 Jimin: I mean give phone to Taehyung, I need to talk with him.

📱 Jungkook: You can't talk with him. He is still peacefully sleeping and I would too if you didn't call.

📱 Jimin: And I'm saying again, I called Taehyung not you

📱 Jungkook: Whatever dwarf.

"Kook with whom are you talking?" Taehyung asked, still sleepily.

"That short best friend of you." Jungkook said and smirked.

📱 Jimin: Yahh, I heard that you idiot. Now as Taehyung is awake, give him his phone or I'm gonna make sure that he isn't even talk with you.

📱 Jungkook: You don't dare.

📱 Jimin: We will see, you have 3 seconds.... 3...

📱 Taehyung: Hey Chim! What's up?

📱 Jimin: Hey Tae, I see that coconout is finally scared of me hahahah

📱 Taehyung: Jimina don't scare him. Why did you call btw??

📱 Jimin: Ohh yeah, would you like to go with us at karaoke bar today's afternoon?? Ask that coconout too.

📱 Taehyung: Wait, let me ask him.

"Kook, Jimin asks if we want to go with them at karaoke bar today's afternoon." Taehyung said.

"I'm going if you are going." Jungkook answered.

📱 Jimin: Gosh, he is so whipped for you Tae.

,,Winter love" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now