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"Tae, what is happening between you and Jungkook?" Jimin asked. He was with Taehyung in Taehyung's room, they finally got some time to spent with each other.

"What do you mean?? Nothing is happening." Taehyung said as he was looking down at his lap, he didn't dare to look up.

"Don't lie to me. I know you since ever, you always become nervous when I ask you about Jungkook." Jimin said.

"I think I'm falling for him, Jimin-ah." Taehyung said and looked up at Jimin but his eyes was glassy, Jimin was happy yet he frowned at Taehyung's teary eyes.

"Tae, you should be happy. Jungkook is good for you, believe me when I say this." Jimin said and smiled.

"I'm scared, I didn't told him about my ex. I don't want same to happen to me like what happened last Christmas. I want to be happy this Christmas." Taehyung said.

"Jungkook would never hurt you. I know him as much as I know you. He believes in true love. That day when we was celebrating Jin hyung's birthday and Jin hyung was about to say something but you and Jungkook stopped him." Jimin said.

"Yeah, I remember." Taehyung said.

"He was about to say that we met just as I wanted to meet my true love, at the winter and on place which means something to both of us." Taehyung added.

"Well, Jungkook said the same as you. He wants the same as you. You two found each other at the winter and on the right place." Jimin said.

"You need to talk with Jungkook about your past, he will understand you. You are not alone anymore, he is going to be there for you." Jimin said.

"You think? If I'm gonna talk with him about it than I need to do it now otherwise I will not be enough brave next time." Taehyung said.

"That's what I'm telling you. Go for it and don't be afraid, you will see when you tell him everything he will understand you and try to approach you different. He will understand if you don't want in relationship yet." Jimin said.

"You're right." Taehyung said.

"I don't need to go into relationship with him until I'm ready. First I need to tell him about my past, I need to forget about it and he will be the one who will make me to forget and he is the one who will make me feel special. With time I will accept my feelings and give him a chance." Taehyung said.

"That is it, now call him." Jimin said.

"Yeah, yeah I will." Taehyung said and grabbed his phone, he didn't even realized when he started crying.

"I will go now so you have privacy, see you and take care." Jimin said before leaving from there. Taehyung dialled number and waited.


On the other side, Jungkook just walked into his room after coming home from Pizzeria where he went with his parents and sister on dinner.

"I wonder what Taehyung is doing. I miss him." Jungkook said then throw himself on his bed and closed his eyes.

Just then his phone started ringing, scaring the shit out of Jungkook. He grabbed his phone and he brightly smiled when he saw who is calling.

📱Jungkook: Hey Tae!!

📱 Taehyung: J-Jungkook. *sniff*

Jungkook widened his eyes and sat up on the bed.

📱 Jungkook: Tae, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happened?

📱 Taehyung: K-Kook, I know it's late b-but can you come to my h-house?

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