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"Taee, babyyy." Jungkook whined to his lover who just giggled at him.

"Kook, don't act like a child and wait until everything is done." Taehyung said.

"But I want just one pancake love." Jungkook said as he was hugging Taehyung from behind.

"No, you will eat it when everything is done." Taehyung said.

"Uff fine." Jungkook said but still didn't let go of Taehyung. Taehyung looked at him and saw him pouting. He turned a little to look at him properly before pecking his lips.

"Don't pout like that my big baby bunny." Taehyung said and pecked his lips few more times.

"I think that I don't want pancakes anymore, your lips taste better." Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung into proper kiss. Just as he was about to put tongue into Taehyung's mouth....

"JUNGKOOK OPPAA!!! WAKE UP!!!" Luna yelled at his older brother who was dreaming about Taehyung. Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at his sister who was glaring at him.

"Finally oppa, what did you dream about? Eomma is calling you for breakfast." Luna said.

"It was just a dream." Jungkook said as he touched his lips with his hand.

"Did you dream about kissing Tae oppa?" Luna asked and giggled.

"How do you know?" Jungkook asked as he looked confused at Luna.

"I heard you saying Tae's oppa name in your dream." Luna said then run out of the room.

"Ohh gosh, it felt so real." Jungkook said as he got up from the bed and walked into bathroom.

"I can't wait to see him today." Jungkook said and smiled to himself in the mirror.



"When your friend is coming?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

"He and his sister should be here soon." Jungkook said.

"Hmm okey, will they stay for dinner?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

"I don't know, they can if they want. We will see what they will say." Jungkook said.

"Okey then, you said that you two will be in your room. Me and your dad will decorate living room and then Christmas tree will be decorated by all of us." Mrs. Jeon said and smiled.

"Okey mom." Jungkook said and just then there was a knock on the door.

"That are probably they, please don't make fun of me." Jungkook said as he walked towards door. He opened door and almost forgot how to talk.

"Hey Kook." Taehyung said and smiled. Euni giggled and jumped to Jungkook, hugging his leg tightly making Jungkook to smile at her.


Taehyung's outfit

Taehyung's outfit

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